This project is an example of an implementation of backbone.js with symfony + FOSRestBundle backend. It is mainly inspired of William Durand tutorial about restfull interfaces on his blog post. The backbone.js part is part of the book written by @addyosmani on backbone.js see here
This application is pretty simple. The goal here is to make a single web page app to GET/POST/PUT/DELETE some books with the form. The backbone.js part is under web/ forder
- Installing the project
Use vagrant up to set up the machine
vagrant up
and: vagrant provision
Once everything is ready, install the project dependencies:
php composer.phar install
Setup the database:
php app/console doctrine:database:create
Update the database:
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Enjoy the code :) by opening the index.html file
- Work to be done
The project right now is very minimalist. The idea is to show a very simple implementation of FOSRestBundle working with a modern Javascript MV* library like backbone.
- Implement PUT server/client side
- Implement PATCH server/client side
- Create a new entity nested with the Book entity
- Validate the datas client/server side
- Test the Rest api
I hope that people are going to participate in order to have a great app example!