(download, and keep in the same folder as your setupsite.sh script)
#setupsite-tui.sh (new)
Same as setupsite.sh, but all done through a TUI (whiptail). Options to either use theme or not, use LetsEncrypt or not, and pick which plugins you want to install.
Designed for Ubuntu 16.04 or other Debian system. Requires LetsEncrypt and WP-CLI to be installed. The DNS MUST be set up for the SSL cert to work correctly.
- Create directory for the site
- Creates an apache sites-available .conf file, and then enables it, before restarting apache.
- Creates SSL certs for the site, suing lets-encrypt auto (*note, you must have your dns set up to point to your server before running this script, if you want this option).
- Creates mysql database and password for your wordpress installation.
- Downloads latest version of core, makes wp-config.php, and installs wordpress.
- Installs a theme of your choice, and creates a blank child theme from it automatically, before activating.
- Installs and activates a list of pre-selected plugins I use on every site.
- Installs other plugins that I don't want activated yet (CDN Enabler, others that need more config).
- Removes Akismet, Hello Dolly
- Removes Default Themes
- Copies .htaccess to active folder
Requires the following:
- AWS account
- S3 bucket pre-created
- AWS-CLI installed
- AWS-CLI configure run (set your keys, account, etc)