该资料中收录并翻译了ECCV 2024所有论文的题目和摘要,包含英文和中文两种语言,它为您扫清了语言障碍,让您能够快捷地判别一篇顶会论文是否对您有用。 该资料让您能够充分地利用碎片时间、随时随地跟踪计算机视觉领域最前沿的研究,它不仅是顶会论文的手册,更是灵感的源泉,必能为您的研究和论文提供帮助! 你可以点击下面的链接进一步了解并获得它: https://mbd.pub/o/bread/mbd-Zpqal5dx
This resource includes and translates the titles and abstracts of all papers from ECCV 2024, available in both English and Chinese. It removes language barriers, allowing you to quickly determine whether a top conference paper is relevant to your work. This resource enables you to make full use of your spare time, keeping you updated on the cutting-edge research in the field of computer vision anytime, anywhere. It is not just a handbook of top conference papers but also a source of inspiration that will undoubtedly aid your research and publications! You can click on the link below to learn more and get it. https://mbd.pub/o/bread/mbd-Zpqal5dx