A desktop client for youtube (disconnected from your google profile). Import from your main profile and manage subscriptions within the application.
* Find the download link for the latest version here.
To build and run this with full functionality, you will have to modify the api keys container with your own keys before compiling.
Requirements: nuget.exe on PATH, Visual Studio 2017 and/or C# 7.0 Roslyn Compiler
Optional: Devenv (Visual Studio 2017) on PATH
git clone https://github.com/dukemiller/youtube-center.git
cd youtube-center
nuget install youtube-center\packages.config -OutputDirectory packages
Building with Devenv (CLI): devenv youtube-center.sln /Build
Building with Visual Studio: Open (Ctrl+Shift+O) "youtube-center.sln", Build Solution (Ctrl+Shift+B)
A "youtube-center.exe" artifact will be created in the parent youtube-center folder.