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Before using protoc-gen-go-dubbo, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Go (version 1.17 or higher)
  • Protocol Buffers (version 3.0 or higher)


To install protoc-gen-go-dubbo, you can use go install:

go install

Or you can clone this repository and build it manually:

git clone
cd protoc-gen-go-dubbo
go build


To generate dubbo code using protoc-gen-go-dubbo, you can use the following command:

protoc -I ./ \
  --go-dubbo_out=./ --go-dubbo_opt=paths=source_relative \

The --go-dubbo_out option specifies the output directory for the generated code, and --go-dubbo_opt=paths=source_relative sets the output path to be relative to the source file.


To generate Dubbo code, you can create a .proto file with the following content:

syntax = "proto3";

package greet;

option go_package = "some_path/greet;greet";

import "unified_idl_extend/unified_idl_extend.proto";

message GreetRequest {
  string name = 1;

  option (unified_idl_extend.message_extend) = {
    java_class_name: "org.apache.greet.GreetRequest";

message GreetResponse {
  string greeting = 1;

  option (unified_idl_extend.message_extend) = {
    java_class_name: "org.apache.greet.GreetResponse";

service GreetService {
  rpc Greet(GreetRequest) returns (GreetResponse) {
    option (unified_idl_extend.method_extend) = {
      method_name: "greet";

Note that you need to import the unified_idl_extend package to use the method_extend options to extend the service. And Dubbo protocol must be used with Hessian2 serialization, so you need to use the message_extend options to extend the message.

Then, you can run the following command to generate the Dubbo and Hessian2 code:

protoc -I ./ \
  --go-hessian2_out=./ --go-hessian2_opt=paths=source_relative \
  --go-dubbo_out=./ --go-dubbo_opt=paths=source_relative \

This will generate the greet.dubbo.go and greet.hessian2.go file in the same directory as your greet.proto file:

├── greet.hessian2.go
├── greet.dubbo.go
├── greet.proto
└── unified_idl_extend
    ├── unified_idl_extend.pb.go
    └── unified_idl_extend.proto

The content of the greet.hessian2.go file will be:

// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-dubbo. DO NOT EDIT.

// Source: greet.proto
// Package: greet

package greet

import (


const (
	// GreetServiceName is the fully-qualified name of the GreetService service.
	GreetServiceName = "greet.GreetService"

	// These constants are the fully-qualified names of the RPCs defined in this package. They're
	// exposed at runtime as procedure and as the final two segments of the HTTP route.
	// Note that these are different from the fully-qualified method names used by
	// To convert from these constants to
	// reflection-formatted method names, remove the leading slash and convert the remaining slash to a
	// period.
	// GreetServiceGreetProcedure is the fully-qualified name of the GreetService's Greet RPC.'
	GreetServiceGreetProcedure = "/greet.GreetService/greet"

var (
	_ GreetService = (*GreetServiceImpl)(nil)

type GreetService interface {
	Greet(ctx context.Context, req *GreetRequest, opts ...client.CallOption) (*GreetResponse, error)

// NewGreetService constructs a client for the greet.GreetService service
func NewGreetService(cli *client.Client, opts ...client.ReferenceOption) (GreetService, error) {
	conn, err := cli.DialWithInfo("greet.GreetService", &GreetService_ClientInfo, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &GreetServiceImpl{
		conn: conn,
	}, nil

func SetConsumerService(srv common.RPCService) {
	dubbo.SetConsumerServiceWithInfo(srv, &GreetService_ClientInfo)

// GreetServiceImpl implements GreetService
type GreetServiceImpl struct {
	conn *client.Connection

func (c *GreetServiceImpl) Greet(ctx context.Context, req *GreetRequest, opts ...client.CallOption) (*GreetResponse, error) {
	resp := new(GreetResponse)
	if err := c.conn.CallUnary(ctx, []interface{}{req}, resp, "greet", opts...); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return resp, nil

var GreetService_ClientInfo = client.ClientInfo{
	InterfaceName: "greet.GreetService",
	MethodNames: []string{
	ConnectionInjectFunc: func(dubboCliRaw interface{}, conn *client.Connection) {
		dubboCli := dubboCliRaw.(*GreetServiceImpl)
		dubboCli.conn = conn

// GreetServiceHandler is an implementation of the greet.GreetService service.
type GreetServiceHandler interface {
	Greet(ctx context.Context, req *GreetRequest) (*GreetResponse, error)

func RegisterGreetServiceHandler(srv *server.Server, hdlr GreetServiceHandler, opts ...server.ServiceOption) error {
	return srv.Register(hdlr, &GreetService_ServiceInfo, opts...)

func SetProviderService(srv common.RPCService) {
	dubbo.SetProviderServiceWithInfo(srv, &GreetService_ServiceInfo)

var GreetService_ServiceInfo = server.ServiceInfo{
	InterfaceName: "greet.GreetService",
	ServiceType:   (*GreetServiceHandler)(nil),
	Methods: []server.MethodInfo{
			Name: "greet",
			Type: constant.CallUnary,
			ReqInitFunc: func() interface{} {
				return new(GreetResponse)
			MethodFunc: func(ctx context.Context, args []interface{}, handler interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
				req := args[0].(*GreetRequest)
				res, err := handler.(GreetServiceHandler).Greet(ctx, req)
				return res, err