a collection of useful commandline scripts for working with d:swarm
- generate_dswarm_projects_overviews.sh: generates various d:swarm projects overviews (i.e. different serializations (CSV, JSON, line-delimited JSON)) from d:swarm projects in a folder that have been exported with help of the d:swarm tools (requires jq and json2csv)
- following fields are available:
- uuid: project identifier
- name: project name
- input_data_model_uuid: input data model identifier
- input_data_model_name: input data model name
- input_schema_uuid: input schema identifier
- input_schema_name: input schema name
- output_data_model_uuid: output data model identifier
- output_data_model_name: output data model name
- output_schema_uuid: output schema identifier
- output_schema_name: output schema name
- mappings_count: number of the mappings that are contained in the project
- mappings: names of the mappings that are contained in the project
- following fields are available: