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Add a :ScrollViewLegend command to show a plugin legend
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dstein64 committed Jun 27, 2024
1 parent 74015c3 commit 06563ae
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Showing 6 changed files with 197 additions and 9 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ A package manager can be used to install `nvim-scrollview`.
* `:ScrollViewNext`, `:ScrollViewPrev`, `:ScrollViewFirst`, and
`:ScrollViewLast` move the cursor to lines with signs. Arguments can specify
which sign groups are considered.
* `:ScrollViewLegend` shows a legend for the plugin. This can be helpful if
you're unsure what a sign represents. With the '!' variant of the command,
the legend will include the scrollbar and all registered signs (even those
from disabled groups), regardless of their display status.
* The scrollbars are draggable with a mouse. Signs can be clicked for
navigation or right-clicked for information. If `mousemoveevent` is set,
scrollbars and signs are highlighted when the mouse pointer hovers.
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions autoload/scrollview.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -282,6 +282,10 @@ let g:scrollview_refreshing = v:false
" the line count changes.
let g:scrollview_ins_mode_buf_lines = 0

" A string for the echo() function, to avoid having to handle character
" escaping.
let g:scrollview_echo_string = v:null

" *************************************************
" * Versioning
" *************************************************
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,6 +365,12 @@ if !exists(':ScrollViewLast')
\ #{<f-args>} > 0 and {<f-args>} or nil)

if !exists(':ScrollViewLegend')
command -bang -bar -nargs=* -complete=custom,s:Complete ScrollViewLegend
\ lua require('scrollview').legend(
\ #{<f-args>} > 0 and {<f-args>} or nil, '<bang>' == '!')

if !exists(':ScrollViewNext')
command -count=1 -bar -nargs=* -complete=custom,s:Complete ScrollViewNext
\ lua require('scrollview').next(
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions doc/scrollview.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,15 @@ signs are highlighted when the mouse pointer hovers.
a result of some window arrangement actions (see

:ScrollViewLegend[!] [{group1} ...] *:ScrollViewLegend*
Show a legend for the scrollbar and signs. The optional
trailing arguments specify which sign groups are
considered (all groups when not specified). Without
[!], the legend will only contain items that are
currently visible. With [!], the legend will include
the scrollbar and all registered signs (even those from
disabled groups), regardless of their display status.

:[count]ScrollViewNext [{group1} ...] *:ScrollViewNext*
Move the cursor to the [count]'th next line with a
sign. If the |'wrapscan'| option is set, the movement
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/tags
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
:ScrollViewEnable scrollview.txt /*:ScrollViewEnable*
:ScrollViewFirst scrollview.txt /*:ScrollViewFirst*
:ScrollViewLast scrollview.txt /*:ScrollViewLast*
:ScrollViewLegend scrollview.txt /*:ScrollViewLegend*
:ScrollViewNext scrollview.txt /*:ScrollViewNext*
:ScrollViewPrev scrollview.txt /*:ScrollViewPrev*
:ScrollViewRefresh scrollview.txt /*:ScrollViewRefresh*
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169 changes: 160 additions & 9 deletions lua/scrollview.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ local utils = require('scrollview.utils')
local binary_search = utils.binary_search
local concat = utils.concat
local copy = utils.copy
local echo = utils.echo
local preceding = utils.preceding
local remove_duplicates = utils.remove_duplicates
local round = utils.round
Expand All @@ -28,6 +29,13 @@ local to_bool = utils.to_bool
-- named as if it were only applicable to bars (since it was implemented prior
-- to sign support).

-- *************************************************
-- * Forward Declarations
-- *************************************************

-- Declared here since it's used by the earlier legend() function.
local get_sign_groups

-- *************************************************
-- * Globals
-- *************************************************
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,6 +82,8 @@ local SIGN_TYPE = 1
local PROPS_VAR = 'scrollview_props'

-- Stores registered sign specifications.
-- WARN: This may seem array-like, but since items can be set to nil by
-- deregister_sign_spec(), it's dictionary-like (use pairs(), not ipairs()).
local sign_specs = {}
-- Keep track of how many sign specifications were registered. This is used for
-- ID assignment, and is not adjusted for deregistrations.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1289,6 +1299,15 @@ local get_normal_highlight = function(winid)
return highlight

local get_scrollbar_character = function()
local character = vim.g.scrollview_character
character = character:gsub('\n', '')
character = character:gsub('\r', '')
if #character < 1 then character = ' ' end
character = fn.strcharpart(character, 0, 1)
return character

-- Show a scrollbar for the specified 'winid' window ID, using the specified
-- 'bar_winid' floating window ID (a new floating window will be created if
-- this is -1). Returns -1 if the bar is not shown, and the floating window ID
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1347,10 +1366,7 @@ local show_scrollbar = function(winid, bar_winid)
-- Make sure that a custom character is up-to-date and is repeated enough to
-- cover the full height of the scrollbar.
local bar_line_count = api.nvim_buf_line_count(bar_bufnr)
local character = vim.g.scrollview_character
character = character:gsub('\n', '')
character = character:gsub('\r', '')
if #character < 1 then character = ' ' end
local character = get_scrollbar_character()
if api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bar_bufnr, 0, 1, false)[1] ~= character
or bar_position.height > bar_line_count then
api.nvim_buf_set_option(bar_bufnr, 'modifiable', true)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1606,9 +1622,6 @@ local show_signs = function(winid, sign_winids, bar_winid)
for _, properties in ipairs(props_list) do
local symbol = properties.symbol
symbol = symbol:gsub('\n', '')
symbol = symbol:gsub('\r', '')
if #symbol < 1 then symbol = ' ' end
local sign_width = fn.strdisplaywidth(symbol)
local col = base_col
if vim.g.scrollview_signs_overflow == 'left' then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1756,11 +1769,13 @@ local show_signs = function(winid, sign_winids, bar_winid)
local props = {
col = col,
height = 1,
highlight = properties.highlight,
lines = properties.lines,
parent_winid = winid,
row = row,
scrollview_winid = sign_winid,
sign_spec_id = properties.sign_spec_id,
symbol = properties.symbol,
type = SIGN_TYPE,
width = sign_width,
zindex = zindex,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2531,6 +2546,135 @@ local last = function(groups)
move_to_sign_line('$', groups)

-- Echo a legend of scrollview symbols. 'groups' specifies the sign groups
-- that are considered; use nil for all. 'full' indicates whether all
-- registered signs (including those from disabled groups) should be included
-- in the legend, as opposed to just those that are currently visible.
local legend = function(groups, full)
local included = {} -- maps groups to their inclusion state
for _, group in pairs(get_sign_groups()) do
included[group] = groups == nil and true or false
if groups ~= nil then
for _, group in ipairs(groups) do
included[group] = true
local items = {}
local add_scrollbar_item = function()
table.insert(items, {
name = 'scrollbar',
extra = nil,
highlight = 'ScrollView',
symbol = get_scrollbar_character(),
if full then
for _, sign_spec in pairs(sign_specs) do
if included[] then
local count = math.max(#sign_spec.symbol, #sign_spec.highlight)
for idx = 1, count do
local symbol = sign_spec.symbol[math.min(idx, #sign_spec.symbol)]
local highlight =
sign_spec.highlight[math.min(idx, #sign_spec.highlight)]
table.insert(items, {
name =,
extra = sign_spec.variant,
highlight = highlight,
symbol = symbol,
for _, winid in ipairs(get_scrollview_windows()) do
local props = api.nvim_win_get_var(winid, PROPS_VAR)
if props.type == BAR_TYPE then
elseif props.type == SIGN_TYPE then
local sign_spec = sign_specs[props.sign_spec_id]
if included[] then
table.insert(items, {
name =,
extra = sign_spec.variant,
highlight = props.highlight,
symbol = props.symbol,
error('Unknown props type: ' .. props.type)
for _, item in ipairs(items) do
-- Check for the expected fields, since other code changes would be
-- necessary if the fields change (the sorting and duplicate removal code
-- later in this function).
local keys = {}
for key, _ in pairs(item) do
if key ~= 'name'
and key ~= 'extra'
and key ~= 'symbol'
and key ~= 'highlight' then
error('Unknown key: ' .. key)
table.insert(keys, key)
-- 'extra' is not required.
for _, key in ipairs({'name', 'symbol', 'highlight'}) do
if item[key] == nil then
error('Missing key: ' .. key)
table.sort(items, function(a, b)
if == 'scrollbar' and ~= 'scrollbar' then
return true
if ~= 'scrollbar' and == 'scrollbar' then
return false
if ~= then
return <
elseif a.extra ~= b.extra then
if a.extra ~= nil and b.extra ~= nil then
return a.extra < b.extra
elseif a.extra == nil then
return true
-- b.extra == nil
return false
elseif a.symbol ~= b.symbol then
return a.symbol < b.symbol
return a.highlight < b.highlight
local echo_list = {}
table.insert(echo_list, {'Title', 'nvim-scrollview'})
for idx, item in ipairs(items) do
-- Skip duplicates. Duplicates can arise since the same sign can be shown
-- in different windows or multiple times in the same window.
if idx == 1
or ~= items[idx - 1].name
or item.extra ~= items[idx - 1].extra
or item.symbol ~= items[idx - 1].symbol
or item.highlight ~= items[idx - 1].highlight then
table.insert(echo_list, {'None', '\n'})
table.insert(echo_list, {item.highlight, item.symbol})
table.insert(echo_list, {'None', ' '})
table.insert(echo_list, {'None',})
if item.extra ~= nil then
table.insert(echo_list, {'None', ' '})
table.insert(echo_list, {'NonText', item.extra})

-- 'button' can be 'left', 'middle', 'right', 'x1', or 'x2'. 'c-' or 'm-' can be
-- prepended for the control-key and alt-key variants. If primary is true, the
-- handling is for navigation (dragging scrollbars and navigating to signs).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2926,7 +3070,7 @@ local register_sign_spec = function(specification)
specification[key] = val
for _, group in ipairs({'all', 'defaults'}) do
for _, group in ipairs({'all', 'defaults', 'scrollbar'}) do
if == group then
error('Invalid group: ' .. group)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2954,6 +3098,12 @@ local register_sign_spec = function(specification)
specification[key] = copy(specification[key])
for idx, symbol in ipairs(specification.symbol) do
symbol = symbol:gsub('\n', '')
symbol = symbol:gsub('\r', '')
if #symbol < 1 then symbol = ' ' end
specification.symbol[idx] = symbol
sign_specs[id] = specification
if sign_group_state[] == nil then
sign_group_state[] = false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3018,7 +3168,7 @@ local is_sign_group_active = function(group)
return scrollview_enabled and get_sign_group_state(group)

local get_sign_groups = function()
get_sign_groups = function()
local groups = {}
for group, _ in pairs(sign_group_state) do
table.insert(groups, group)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3147,6 +3297,7 @@ return {
get_sign_eligible_windows = get_sign_eligible_windows,
handle_mouse = handle_mouse,
last = last,
legend = legend,
next = next,
prev = prev,
refresh = refresh,
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions lua/scrollview/utils.lua
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Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,19 @@ function M.copy(table)
return result

-- Takes a list of lists. Each sublist is comprised of a highlight group name
-- and a corresponding string to echo.
function M.echo(echo_list)
for _, item in ipairs(echo_list) do
local hlgroup, string = unpack(item)
vim.g.scrollview_echo_string = string
vim.cmd('echohl ' .. hlgroup .. ' | echon g:scrollview_echo_string')
vim.g.scrollview_echo_string = vim.NIL
vim.cmd('echohl None')

-- For sorted list l with no duplicates, return the previous item before the
-- specified item (wraps around).
function M.preceding(l, item, count, wrapscan)
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