DotnetBoilerplate is a starter kit. This project follows Clean Architecture.
- ASP.NET Core Web API (.NET 8.0)
- Entity Framework Core (8.0.4)
- Fluent Validation
- JwtBearer Authentication
- PostgreSQL
- AutoMapper
- Swagger (Swashbuckle)
- MailKit
├── DotnetBoilerplate.Domain
│ ├── Entities # Store entity mapping with table in database
│ ├── Enums
│ └── Payloads # Object to store data that specific to project
├── DotnetBoilerplate.Application
│ ├── Dtos # Mostly use when receive data and return data to client
│ ├── Exceptions
│ ├── ExternalSerivces # Interfaces of external services like Email, Upload ...
│ ├── Profiles # Configuration of some profiles like AutoMapper ...
│ ├── Repositories # Interfaces of repositories(Data Access Layer) ...
│ └── DependencyInjection.cs # Register Dependency Injection used in this layer
├── DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure
│ ├── Authorization # Implement Authorization Policies
│ ├── ExternalSerivces # Implement external services from 'Application Layer' ...
│ ├── Repositories # Implement repositories from 'Application Layer'
│ ├── Migrations
│ ├── DataContext.cs
│ └── DependencyInjection.cs
├── DotnetBoilerplate.Api
│ ├── Controllers
│ ├── Filters
│ ├── Middlewares
│ ├── Params # Common objects to store data from request
│ ├── Validators # Implement validations for request data
│ └── Program.cs
├── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose
Create appsettings.Development.json file in DotnetBoilerplate.Api folder to store environment variables for development environment. All your configurations in appsettings.json file will be overridden by appsettings.Development.json file.
You can customize
token information (secret key, expiry date)
in appsettings.json file.
"JwtSettings": {
"Secret": "This is a secret key for authentication",
"AccessTokenExpirationTime": 120,
"RefreshTokenExpirationTime": 10080
- You can customize
database connection information
in appsettings.json file.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Host=localhost; Port=5432; Database=dotnet-boilerplate; Username=postgres; Password=postgres"
docker compose up -d --build
docker compose up -d db
To work with Entify Framework CLI, you can use Package Manager of Visual Studio / JetBrains Rider
, or you can install dotnet ef tool:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 8.0.4
- dotnet cli
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -p DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure\DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure.csproj -s DotnetBoilerplate.Api\DotnetBoilerplate.Api.csproj
- Package Manager Console
Add-Migration InitialCreate -p DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure -s DotnetBoilerplate.Api
- dotnet cli
dotnet ef database update -p DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure\DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure.csproj -s DotnetBoilerplate.Api\DotnetBoilerplate.Api.csproj
- Package Manager Console
Update-Database -p DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure -s DotnetBoilerplate.Api