Ezio makes very minimal usage of syntax highlighting for aesthetic and readability purposes. I personally feel that syntax highlighting is a strange convention that doesn't provide very much value, and actually makes code harder to read in most cases as your brain tries to make sense of what the meaning behind the highlighting is. So, I wanted to only use highlighting when I felt it would be obviously useful. Some examples of remaining highlighting include a slightly lighter grey to denote strings, and letting Sublime's Terminus User theme use reds and greens to denote errors and successes.
Ezio is based on the Nord theme for Sublime and uses some of the colors from there. You will have to install the Nord theme to use this, and overwrite its settings. I've also provided a file to theme the Terminus package's User theme, so your Sublime terminal can match the rest of your editor.
This theme is a WIP. I want to live on it for a while and see if there are any bugs or other cases where the minimalist color scheme should be abandoned for usability. In the future when I consider it "finished" I may submit it to Package Control.
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the theme!