A minimalist Obsidian theme that stays out of your way, featuring both light and dark modes. Inspired by Apple Notes and Tailwind's default theming.
- Clean, distraction-free interface
- Light and dark mode support
- Rounded corners for images
- Carefully chosen typography
- Customizable accent colors
A recipe note showcasing rounded image corners
A sample to-do list and some headings and code samples.
Some sample Links, Tables and Quotes
Dark Mode Example
- Accent Color: RGB(14, 165, 233)
- Default Font Size: 18px
- Interface: SF Pro Display
- Text: Atkinson Hyperlegible
- Monospace: JetBrains Mono
To achieve the full experience shown in the screenshots, the following plugins are recommended:
- Code Block
- Iconize
While the theme comes with carefully selected defaults, you can customize:
- Accent colors
- Interface and text fonts
- Font sizes
- And more through Obsidian's appearance settings
This is my first Obsidian theme, and I'm actively working on improvements. If you have suggestions or encounter any issues, please feel free to:
- Open an issue on GitHub
- Submit a pull request
- Share your feedback
If you enjoy this theme and want to support its development, you can buy me a coffee: