The aim of this project is to apply our knowledge on React and work in Team, using Git and Scrum agile method.
A few required elements :
Technical elements :
- Repo Github
- Continuous deployment
- Testing
- Always UP
Stack/Code :
- Hooks
- Context API (or State Manager)
- Components library
- Login/Register
- API call
We choose React application from scratch with create-react-app
- git clone [email protected]:Tadkozh/manganime.git
- Create a Firebase project with 'Authentication', 'Firestore' and 'Storage' and replace the project id in firebaserc
- Also remember to create your .env.local from the .env template (datas are in your Firebase project, see project settings)
- npm install
- npm start
- Enjoy !
You can also see the projet online : Netlify
The tools used :
- Notion
- Figma
- Trello
- Git / Github
- VSCode
- Chat GPT
- npm
Libraries :
Style JS :
- prettier
Style CSS :
- Material UI
Backend :
- Firebase (Authentication + Firestore Database + Storage)
React :
- axios
- react-router-dom
- react-error-boundary
- react-query
- React Hook Form
- React-material-ui-carousel
Tests :
- msw
- faker
- Jest
- Cypress
- user-event
- React Testing Library
Take a look to Resources : User stories, Wireframe