Arch Linux ARM (Phosh) - 2020/09/27
Changes from last build:
- Deprecated pinhole for megapixels
- Fixed random MAC address bug (#64)
- Fixed gnome-software app list
- Fixed PineTab Bluetooth
- Upgraded Phosh to 0.4.4
- Upgraded Calls to 0.1.8
- Upgraded Chatty to 0.1.16
- Enabled FS_ENCRYPTION and CGROUP_FREEZER in kernel
User login details
- User: alarm
- Pass: 123456
Known issues
- Bluetooth is currently not working on PineTab, this will be fixed in a software update very soon.
NOTE: SSH is currently disabled for security, for more information please read this.
NOTE: barebone image is only contains base and USB connection. If you don't know what you're doing then please use the phosh image!
NOTE: For people with issues with DRAM on PinePhone, please flash the alternative u-boot bootloader with the speed that works for you using dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl-pinephone-SPEED.bin of=/dev/sdcard bs=1024 seek=8
For discussion, feel free to join the chat room with us:
- Discord: (#archlinux-pinephone)
- Matrix:
- Telegram: @archlinux_pinephone