Introduced at #Inspect 2013, Joybox is the easiest way to build 2D games for iPhones and iPads using RubyMotion. Joybox combines the most popular and widely used 2D game engine for iOS, Cocos2D, folds in the amazing Box2D physics engine, and then wraps them up into a clean Ruby API that will make game development faster and more enjoyable for both beginners and experts alike.
For more information, see the presentation: Cocos2D, an Easier Way.
- Added REPL Support for iOS and OSX :D
- NOTE: If the iOS simulator starts on landscape orientation, please rotate and return it. (cmd + => and cmd + <=)
- Added REPL Example Template. Use 'motion create --template=joybox-ios-example-repl ' or 'motion create --template=joybox-osx-example-repl '
- IMPORTANT: Typo fix in World class (Joybox, Box2D and Website), changing to continuous_physics the configuration, thank you David Czarnecki!
- IMPORTANT: Typo fix in Macros, changing jbpLenght to jpbLength, thank you David Czarnecki!
- Added: Clear extra lines in iOS Template. Thank you Willrax!
- Added: Examples iPhone 5 support
- Added: iOS Template iPhone 5 support
- Joybox is stopping the madness! Thanks all for your support!
If you are looking for the installation process and the documentation, please visit:
Also you can look at some examples in this repository: Joybox - Examples
If you run into troubles running your Joybox game, please do the following, in the root folder of your project:
gem uninstall joybox -a
gem install joybox
rm .repl_history
rake clean
If the iOS application starts in landscape orientation, please rotate and return it to the original orientation.
(cmd + <= & cmd + =>)
For questions and feedback use the project's Google Group
For bug reports use the project's Issue Tracker.
If you wish to help us to stop the madness, there are some ways you can do it:
- Joybox Wrapper (Ruby): This repository ;)
- Box2D Wrapper (C++): Joybox - Box2D
- Documentation (markdown): Joybox - Documentation
To contribute just:
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request
Joybox is released under the MIT License.
Cocos2D: Ricardo Quesada, Zynga and contributors cocos2d for iPhone
Box2D: Erin Catto Box2D | A 2D Physics Engine for Games
Joybox: Juan José Karam @JuanKaram and Gabriel Sosa @mexinsane and contributors