This project is a C# library for parsing Grasshopper files (.gh
) in XML format. It provides a set of classes and helper methods to extract data from Grasshopper files.
- Convert Grasshopper files to XML documents.
- Extract various information from the XML documents such as GUID, Name, Description, InstanceGuid, Nickname, Optional, Bounds, Pivot, Selected, Inputs, and Outputs.
- Handle Grasshopper components and their dependencies.
- Handle Grasshopper component inputs and outputs.
: Provides helper methods for parsing Grasshopper files.GhComponent
: Represents a Grasshopper component with various properties and methods to extract data.GhHeader
: TODOGhComponentDependency
: TODOGhComponentInput
: TODOGhComponentOutput
To use this library, you need to have a Grasshopper file. You can convert this file to an XML document using the GrasshopperToXml
method from the Helper
string path = "path to gh or ghx file";
//Convert the grasshopper file to xml
var grasshopperXmlDoc = Helper.GrasshopperToXml(path);
//Get the header of the grasshopper file
var header = new GhHeader(grasshopperXmlDoc);
//Get all the components in the grasshopper file
var xmlComponents = Helper.GetAllComponentsAsXml(grasshopperXmlDoc);
var allComponents = xmlComponents.Select(component => new GhComponent(component)).ToList();