This project contains an advanced Python wrapper for MC Grating. Follow the setup instructions below to get started.
Blender is needed for 3D visualization and for some internal boolean geometric operations.
Anaconda is a popular Python distribution for data science and machine learning. Download and install it from the official website.
Download the MC Grating Python code from this GitHub repository and unzip it.
It's a good practice to create a separate environment for each project. To create a new environment named mc_grating
with Python version 3.9, use the following command:
conda create -n mc_grating python=3.9
After running the command, Conda will ask for your permission to proceed with the installation. Type y
and hit Enter to proceed. Once the environment is created, activate it using the following command:
conda activate mc_grating
First, navigate to the directory containing the extracted code:
cd "<path_to_folder>"
Replace <path_to_folder> with the actual path to the folder where you unzipped the MC Grating Python code, such as:
cd "C:\Users\MC_Grating\Downloads\MC_Grating_Advanced_Python-main\MC_Grating_Advanced_Python-main"
Then, install the necessary Python packages listed in the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
In order to use the mc_grating environment in Spyder, you need to activate it as shown in the images below:
Finally, open and run the script to verify the setup.
import os
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
from mc_grating_python_ver1.mc_grating_python import mc_grating_python as mc
def geometry(parameters):
if parameters == "": # TO TEST
parameters = [137,98,77]
if len(parameters) != 3 and parameters != "":
raise ValueError("List of input parameters needs to be 3")
period, pillar_d, pillar_h\
= parameters
# geometry
geo = mc.geo(period, period)
# Cover Layer
geo.cover("Air (Special Formula)")
geo.cylinder(position=[0,0,0], diameter=pillar_d, height=pillar_h,
name = "pillar", material = "Silicon (Table)", order = 1)
# Substrate
geo.substrate("Fused Silica (Sellmeier)")
# get geometry
geometry = geo.print_g()
return geometry
'Amorphous_Si_CMI (Table GS)': (0.3,0.3,0.3),
'Amorphous_Si_CMI_Lossless': (0.3,0.3,0.1),
'Silicon (Table)' : (0.4,0.4,0.4),
'Fused Silica (Sellmeier)':(0,0,1),
"SiO2 (Table GS)": (0.7,0.1,0.7),
"Al (Table GS)": (0.1,0.5,0.1),
"aSi_k_half": (0,1,0),
"Al2O3 (Table GS)": (0,0,0.5),
"Air (Special Formula)": (1,1,1),
geometry_dict = geometry("")
visual =, color=color)
cs = visual.show_cross_section(normal="y")
sim = mc.sim(geometry_dict, single_wavelengh=400, nbr_oders_x=11, nbr_orders_y=11)
ff = sim.far_field(parameter_row = "wavelength", \
start_row=400, end_row=700, nbr_of_points_row=200)
res_ff =
nf = sim.near_field(start_row=-200, end_row=200, plane="zy", number_of_points = [200,50],\
position_of_plane=0.5, output_format="amplitude_re_im_and_power_flow")
res_nf =
p_ff = mc.plot(res_ff)
rta = p_ff.rta() # reflection - transmission - absorption plot
p_nf = mc.plot(res_nf, geometry_dict)
sz = p_nf.field(component="Sz", plot=True, title="")
abs_e = p_nf.field(component="abs(E)", plot=True, title="|E|")
ex_mod = p_nf.field(component="Ex mod", plot=True, title="")
im_e2 = p_nf.field(component="Im(eps) |E|^2", plot=True, title="", periodicity=1)