Jailed ios 17.4+ tool to create a debugserver for lldb to attach.
This is a slightly modified version of https://github.com/fritzlb/iOS17-JIT-WIN by fritzlb. Instead of initialising jit this is about setting up debugserver. Requirements are the same. Tested on 17.4 iphone 14 pro max.
DebugApp script opens the app sets up the debugserver and prints the apps pid for easier connecting.
JustDebugserver script only sets up the debugserver without launching any apps.
.\DebugApp.py {Bundleid of the app you want to attach}
keep in mind you can only use developer certificates to sign those apps.
run the python script from powershell, this will create the debugserver and tell you the address/port & the PID of the app then you can use:
gdb-remote [ipv6 adress]:port
attach -p pid
to connect and attach to the process.
Or if you use JustDebugserver script
gdb-remote [ipv6 adress]:port
process attach --name {name of the process} --waitfor.
Then when you open the app it will start getting debugged immediately