This is a TensorFlow framework for the identification of ATLAS electrons by using neural networks.
- login to atlas16 for GPU's avaibility
ssh -Y atlas16
- change to user directory
cd /opt/tmp/$USER
- link data file to user directory
ln -s /opt/tmp/godin/el_data/2020-05-28/el_data.h5 .
- clone framework from GitHub
git clone
- enter framework directory
cd el_classifier
- activate the virtual environment of TensorFlow2.1.0+Python3.6.8 Singularity image
use the flag --nv or not to wether run on GPUs or CPUs
singularity shell --nv --bind /opt /opt/tmp/godin/sing_images/tf-2.1.0-gpu-py3_sing-2.6.sif
- start training; see options below
python [OPTIONS]
- for monitoring NVIDIA GPU devices, e.g. memory and power usage, temperature, fan speed, etc.
- login to Beluga cluster
ssh -Y [email protected]
- change to user directory
cd /home/$USER
- link data file to user directory
ln -s /project/def-arguinj/dgodin/el_data/2020-05-28/el_data.h5 .
- clone framework from GitHub
git clone
- enter framework directory
cd el_classifier
- File sharing is usually not possible on beluga. So you might need to secure copy the data files and singularity image files from lps to your own directories. Here's a nice tutorial on secure copy:
- Run and send task to Slurm Workload Manager (uses default host)
Run on specific host on LPS (e.g. atlas16)
Run on specific host on LPS (e.g. atlas16)sbatch -w atlas16
sbatch -w atlas16 --export=PRESAMPLER=True
- Send array jobs with ID 1 to 10 to Slurm batch system
sbatch --array=1-10
- Report status of job
- Cancel job
scancel $job_id
- Monitor jobs GPU usage at 2s interval
srun --jobid $job_id --pty watch -n 2 nvidia-smi
- Use Slurm interactively and request appropriate ressources on Beluga
Once the ressources are ready to use, activate the virtual environment of TensorFlow2.1.0+Python3.6.8 Singularity image
salloc --time=00:30:00 --cpus-per-task=4 --gres=gpu:1 --mem=128G --x11 --account=def-arguinj
module load singularity/3.5 singularity shell --bind $YOUR_CODE_PATH $YOUR_SING_IMAGE_PATH/tf-2.1.0-gpu-py3_sing-3.5.sif
--n_train : number of training electrons (default=1e5)
--n_valid : number of testing electrons (default=1e5)
--batch_size : size of training batches (default=5000)
--n_epochs : number of training epochs (default=100)
--n_classes : number of classes (default=2)
--n_tracks : number of tracks (default=10)
--n_folds : number of folds for k-fold cross_validation
--n_gpus : number of gpus for distributed training (default=4)
--weight_type : name of weighting method, either of 'none' (default), 'match2b', 'match2s', 'flattening' should be given
--train_cuts : applied cuts on training samples
--valid_cuts : applied cuts on validation samples
--NN_type : CNN or FCN specify the type of neural networks (default=CNN)
--scaling : applies quantile transform to scalar variables when ON (fit performed on train sample and applied to whole sample)
--cross_valid : performs k-fold cross-validation
--plotting : plots accuracy history when ON, distributions separation and ROC curves; plots removal ranking plot when set to 'rm' or 'removal' and permutation ranking plot when set to 'prm' or 'permutation'
--output_dir : name of output directory (useful for running jobs in parallel)
--model_in : hdf5 model file from a previous training checkpoint (requires .h5 extension)
--model_out : name of hdf5 checkpoint file used for saving and updating the model best weights
--scaler_in : name of the pickle file (.pkl) containing scaling transform (quantile) for scalars variables
--results_in : name of the pickle file (.pkl) containing validation results
--removal : runs removal importance when ON
--permutation : runs permutation importance when ON
--n_reps : number of repetition of the permutation algorithm
--feat : index of the feature to be removed by the removal importance algorithm
--correlation : plots correlation matrix of the input variable when ON, plots a scatter plot matrix when set to "SCATTER"; set images OFF to remove image means from the correlations
--tracks_means : adds the tracks means to the correlations plots when ON, plots only the tracks means correlation when set to "ONLY"
--auto_output_dir : automatically set the output directory to output_dir/{n_classes}c_{n_train/1e6}m/{weight_type}/{region} where output_dir is the given output directory, weight_type is the type of reweighthing and region is the eta region where the training is executed (This option is really handy for managing multiple feature importance trainings)
- The model and weights are automatically saved to a hdf5 checkpoint for each epoch where the performance (either accuracy or loss function) has improved.
- An early stopping callback allows the training to stop automatically when the validation performance has stop improving for a pre-determined number of epochs (default=10).
- Finished or aborted trainings can be resumed from where they were stopped by using previously trained weights from other same-model hdf5 checkpoints (see --model_in option).
- All plots, weights and models are saved by default in the "outputs" directory.
- To use pre-trained weights and generate plots without re-training, n_epochs = 0 must be specify.
- In order to optimize data transfer rate, the datafile should be present on the same server of the GPU's.