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Styling with XML

Dolan edited this page Jun 9, 2018 · 1 revision


  1. Create a new word document in Microsoft Word

  2. Customise the styles on the Ribbon Bar. For example, modify the Normal, Heading 1, Heading 2 like so:

    image image

  3. You can even create a totally new Style:

    image image

  4. Save

  5. Re-name the saved .docx file to .zip and un-zip

  6. Find styles.xml



Read the styles using fs, and put it into the Document object in the constructor:

const styles = fs.readFileSync('./styles.xml', 'utf-8');
const doc = new docx.Document({
  title: 'Title',
  externalStyles: styles

You can use paragraphs, heading1(), heading2() etc and it will be styled according to your styles.xml created earlier. You can even use your new style you made by calling the style method:

doc.createParagraph('Cool Heading Text').heading1();

let paragraph = new docx.Paragraph('This is a custom named style from the template "Cool New Style"');'Cool New Style');

doc.createParagraph('Some normal text')


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