Simple online store RestAPI created with djangorestframework. The store uses the shopping cart purchases in sessions (cookies). Integrated payment system yookassa, the ability to integrate other payment systems. With Celery mailing, CSV writing and model functions run in the background, which allowed to improve the response time of the pages.
app.cart - storage of the cart in the session. Add product and update quantity and cost. Displays the total cost, deletes the product and removes the cart from the session. Deletes session after payment. - list of categories, products in category, list products, a detailed display of the product with the ability to add to basket. A filter is used to display products by category, brand, price, discount and product availability.
app.users - creates and processes payment data. Saves to the database and CSV-file information about the order, writes to the database data info of customers who subscribed to the newsletter and paid for the order.