Use GitLab Community Edition as authentication provider for the private npm registry Verdaccio, the sinopia fork.
The main goal and the difference from other sinopia/verdaccio plugins are the following:
- no admin token required
- user authenticates with Personal Access Token
- owned groups (no subgroups) are added to the user
- publish packages if package scope or name is an owned group name
This is experimental!
You need at least node version 8.x.x, codename carbon.
git clone
cd verdaccio-gitlab
yarn install
yarn start
NOTE: Define
environment variable if you are behind a proxy.
Verdaccio is now up and running. In order the see this plugin in action, you can
use the following Verdaccio configuration in your ~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
# Verdaccio storage location relative to $HOME/.config/verdaccio
storage: ./storage
enabled: true
ttl: 300
# scoped packages
access: $all
publish: $authenticated
proxy: npmjs
gitlab: true
access: $all
publish: $authenticated
proxy: npmjs
gitlab: true
# Log level can be changed to info, http etc. for less verbose output
- {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: debug}
Restart Verdaccio and authenticate into it with your credentials
- Username: GitLab username
- Password: Personal Access Token
using the Web UI http://localhost:4873 or via npm CLI:
yarn login --registry http://localhost:4873
and publish packages:
yarn publish --registry http://localhost:4873
NOTE: In order to publish packages, you need to create or be part of a GitLab group (as owner) which has the same name as your package name. You also need a fresh login, so that Verdaccio recognizes your owned groups.
In order to avoid too many authentication requests to the underlying gitlab instance, the plugin provides an in-memory cache that will save the detected groups of the users for a configurable ttl in seconds. No clear-text password will be saved in-memory, just an SHA-256 hash and the groups information.
By default, the cache will be enabled and the credentials will be stored for 300 seconds. The ttl is checked on access, but there's also an internal timer that will check expired values regularly, so data of users not actively interacting with the system will also be eventually invalidated.
enabled: (default true)
ttl: (default: 300)
Please note that this implementation is in-memory and not multi-process; if the cluster module is used for starting several verdaccio processes, each process will store its own copy of the cache, so each user will actually be logged in multiple times.
git clone
cd verdaccio-gitlab
docker-compose up --build -d
- login with user
and passwordverdaccio
on Gitlab via http://localhost:50080 - create a Personal Access Token
- login to the npm registry http://localhost:4873 via browser
- publish your packages via command line
Run one of the following command to create a release:
yarn release:major
yarn release:minor
yarn release:patch
finally run
yarn publish
In order to support flow, flow-typed support files are installed in the repo. These are generated based on the dependencies of the project and committed to the repository.
Anytime the project dependencies change, run the following command to update the flow-typed support files:
# Just once in your environment
yarn global add flow-typed
flow-typed install