Database Systems Project
The application allows to manage and operate school library. There are two modes of access: regular user and administrator.
Regular user can:
- create an account
- borrow books (maximum 5 and for a maximum of 30 days),
- browse through the history of his borrowed books,
- view currently available books,
- check information about the books such as number of pages, publisher, description.
The administrator can:
- manage existing rentals,
- manage users (edit their data or delete users),
- add/delete/modify books.
- Java 17.0.1
- JavaFX Library + FXML (SceneBuilder)
- Maven
- MySQL Database (Remote, with SSH Tunneling)
- Download project via Github
- Open using IntelliJ IDEA
- Reload Maven Dependencies
- Set database parameters in class. You can use remote database with SSH Tunnel or change class to use local MySQL database.
- Run via class
To create database tables with sample data, use this file. You can also use this file to create empty tables.
Administrator account:
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
- Project was created in cooperation with Agnieszka Żupnik and Anna Młynarczyk