This is an unofficial api wrapper for in python. With this api you are able to call most trending and fetch specific user information as well as much more.
If you want to use this API as a service visit the RapidAPI
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- Getting Started
- Quick Start Guide
- Detailed Documentation
- Common Parameters
- Methods
- TikTok Class
- get_Video_By_TikTok
- bySound
- getUserObject
- getTikTokById
- getTikTokByUrl
- getUser
- getMusicObject
- getHashtagObject
- byUsername
- byHashtag
- discoverMusic
- discoverHashtags
- getSuggestedUsersbyID
- getSuggestedUsersbyIDCrawler
- getSuggestedHashtagsbyID
- getSuggestedHashtagsbyIDCrawler
- getSuggestedMusicbyID
- getSuggestedMusicIDCrawler
- get_Video_By_DownloadURL
- get_Video_By_Url
- get_Video_No_Watermark
- Built With
- Authors
- License
To get started using this api follow the instructions below.
If you run into an issue please check the closed issues on the github. You're most likely not the first person to experience this issue. If nothing works feel free to open an issue.
pip install TikTokApi
The script should download pypppeteer by default, but if it doesn't run the following command.
If you still run into issues you may need to install chromedriver for your machine globally. Download it here and add it to your path.
Please don't open an issue if you're experiencing one of these just comment if the provided solution do not work for you.
Here's a quick bit of code to get the most recent trending on TikTok. There's more examples in the examples directory.
from TikTokApi import TikTokApi
api = TikTokApi()
results = 10
trending = api.trending(count=results)
for tiktok in trending:
# Prints the text of the tiktok
Here's an example of what a tiktok dictionary looks like.
Note: This documentation is called detailed, which it is, but it may be out of date. And if you see something wrong or want to improve the documentation feel free to open a PR with the fixes.
- username - the userame of a user you want to find
- secUid - the secUid of the user (you can find in the responses)
- userId / id - The id of the user
- proxy - the proxy address of your proxy
- language - the 2 letter code for your language (this is included in the requests by default to TikTok, but it doesn't seem to do much for me at least)
TikTokApi(self, debug=False)
debug - Enable this if you need some more output.
api.trending(self, count=30, referrer="", language='en', proxy=None)
count - this is how many trending Tiktoks you want to be returned.
Trending returns an array of dictionaries. Example structure here
api.get_Video_By_TikTok(data, language='en', proxy=None)
data - The tiktok dictionary returned from the API. Will return bytes.
This method returns an array of tiktoks based on a sound id.
def bySound(self, id, count=30, language='en', proxy=None)
id - the sound's id (you can get this from other methods)
This method returns a user object, primarily used for other methods within the package.
def getUserObject(self, username, language='en', proxy=None)
This object returns a TikTok object when given the TikTok ID.
def getTikTokById(self, id, language='en', proxy=None)
This does the same as the getTikTokById method, but it extracts the id out of the url.
def getTikTokByUrl(self, url, language='en', proxy=None)
This method returns a user object, including all profile data about the user.
def getUser(self, username, language='en', proxy=None)
username - the unique username of the person you want to get an object for.
This method returns a music object, primarily used for other methods within the package.
def getMusicObject(self, id, language='en', proxy=None)
id - the ID of the music.
This method returns a hashtag (challenge) object, primarily used for other methods within the package.
def getHashtagObject(self, hashtag, language='en', proxy=None)
hashtag - the hashtag or challenge name
This method returns an array of tiktoks by a username
def byUsername(self, username, count=30, language='en', proxy=None)
This method returns an array of TikToks by a given hashtag or challenge (without the #)
def byHashtag(self, hashtag, count=30, language='en', proxy=None)
hashtag - a given hashtag or challenge without the #
Returns trending music shown on the side at tiktok's trending page on desktop
def discoverMusic(self, language='en', proxy=None)
Returns trending hashtags (challenges) shown on the side at tiktok's trending page on desktop
def discoverHashtags(self, language='en', proxy=None)
This method gets suggested users for a given userid.
getSuggestedUsersbyID(self, count=30, userId='6745191554350760966', language='en', proxy=None)
This method gets users across a variety of userids.
getSuggestedUsersbyIDCrawler(self, count=30, startingId='6745191554350760966', language='en', proxy=None)
This method gets related hashtags given a userid.
getSuggestedHashtagsbyID(self, count=30, userId='6745191554350760966', language='en', proxy=None)
This method crawls across multiple user's profile using the user crawler method to generate hashtags.
getSuggestedHashtagsbyIDCrawler(self, count=30, startingId='6745191554350760966', language='en', proxy=None)
This method gets suggested music given a userId
getSuggestedMusicbyID(self, count=30, userId='6745191554350760966', language='en', proxy=None)
This method crawls across multiple user's profile using the user crawler method to generate music objects.
getSuggestedMusicIDCrawler(self, count=30, startingId='6745191554350760966', language='en', proxy=None)
api.get_Video_By_DownloadURL(url, language='en', proxy=None)
url - The download url that's found in the TikTok dictionary. TikTok['video']['downloadAddr']
api.get_Video_By_Url(video_url, return_bytes=0)
video_url - The video you want to get url.
return_bytes - The default value is 0, when it is set to 1 the function instead returns the bytes from the video rather than just the direct url.
api.get_Video_No_Watermark(video_url, return_bytes=0, language='en', proxy=None)
video_url - The video you want to get url.
return_bytes - The default value is 0, when it is set to 1 the function instead returns the bytes from the video rather than just the direct url.
- Python 3.7 - The web framework used
- David Teather - Initial work - davidteather
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details