The lcd-touch library should work with any STM32 board that has a compartment (slot) for TFT LCD shield*. The rest of the project provides an example of how to use the lcd-touch lib on Nucleo F446RE. If your driver is different from ILI9341, refer to lcd.h
*TFT Shield: 2.4 Inch TFT LCD Shield ILI9341 HX8347 240x320 Touch Board 65K RGB (~$7).
The interface is not SPI: instead, the communication with the LCD is done by acting directly on GPIO Pins and therefore is faster than an SPI alternative implementation, which you could probably find somewhere else.
- Y- PB10
- Y+ PA4, EXTI4
- X- PA1
- X+ PA8
In idle state, PA4 is in interrupt mode awaiting for touches. You can't draw and await for touches simultaneously.
- set PA1 to logical 0
- set PA8 to logical 1
- set PB10 in input mode
- set PA4 in analog mode
- get value from ADC2 channel 4
- disable EXTI4 line
- set PB10 to logical 0
- set PA4 to logical 1
- set PA8 in input mode
- set PA1 in analog mode
- get value from ADC1 channel 1
- clear EXTI4 line pending interrupt
- enable EXTI4 line
// initialize ADC1 & ADC2
LCD_Touch_Init(&hadc2, ADC_CHANNEL_4, &hadc1, ADC_CHANNEL_1);
LCD_TouchPoint p;
while (1) {
if (LCD_Touch_Read(&p) == LCD_TOUCH_READ_SUCCESS) {
// draw the last stroke, for example
// do whatever you want with the touch point `p`
is a struct that holds X and Y position, time, and touch state that can be one of LCD_TOUCH_DOWN
Note. Optimization flags other than None are unstable at the moment.
The project was originally written in SystemWorkbench, then converted to TrueAtollicStudio to become eventually suppressed by STMCubeIDE.
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
If you're unable to open/convert the project in one of the listed above IDEs, open an issue.