Reddit in Popular Culture:
Reddit has been consistently among the top ten most frequented websites for the last few years. Posts from the website often make way from the front page to mainstream media. Its anonymity helps users engage in discourse freely.
Why should anybody care?
Advice subreddits have been increasing in activity and often make their way to the front page. With anonymity assured, users are free to influence hate speech. For the original advice seeker, either they may be turned off from Reddit as a platform, or may choose to believe negative discourse.
Baseline Approach and Description
The approach used by Farrell et al. in their paper, Exploring Misogyny across the Manosphere in Reddit, was used as a baseline for this project. Communities selected identified with men’s rights activism and incel idealism. To characterize the misogyny they built 9 lexicons for the different levels of hate speech. These constructed lexicons were used to calculate the amount of misogynistic posts per community, the amount of users posting such content per community, the top terms in each community, and the evolution over time of these communities for the different levels of misogyny.
Project Approach
The communities analyzed by the baseline work were already infamous for their ideologies. We aim to analyze advice- seeking communities and monitor spread of hate speech and toxic ideologies within these communities. ‘Community Interaction and Conflict on the Web’ by Kumar et. al showed that users engagement drops when they start facing negativity in certain communities. We seek to verify this within selected Reddit communities.
We seek to explore the effect of hate speech within the advice seeking community The baseline approach performed the following analysis: - Analyzing the most frequent misogynous words - Finding the percentage of misogynous posts - Finding the frequency of misogynous words used over time We introduce 4 new avenues of analysis: - Analysis of negativity for over 18 and under 18 users - Relation between negativity in title and comments - Whether unpopular posts receive more negativity - Where do the users with negative submissions post most frequently in
Data Acquisition
Data from following Reddit communities were acquired: AskReddit, relationships, relationship_advice, AmITheAsshole and OffMyChest. Reddit Search Application,, was used to mine the posts from five subreddits and the top 1000 posts were chosen. Mined comments under posts using Reddit’s API The Python Reddit Wrapper(PRAW).
Data Properties
Features of data used in this project:
Experimental Setup
Lexicon of Misogynistic words had a selection from these categories: Belittling, Flipping the narrative, homophobia, hostility, patriarchy, physical violence, racism, sexual violence and stoicism.
The analysis was done on Google Colaboratory and Kaggle - Runtime Type: Python3 - Hardware Accelerator: GPU - RAM: 12 GB
Data Analysis Approach
For the sake of simplicity, data analysis of one Reddit community has been presented here. Reddit community information:: Community: AskReddit Date range: 2008-02-08 to 2009-01-24 Number of posts: 1000 Avg number of comments per post: 137
Growing trend of abusive language
Misogynist words were detected in the comments section. Their frequencies were plotted over time as seen in the figure below. This was done for each community, and for each category of misogyny from the lexicon.
It's observed that there is a growing trend over the year. It could be due to more user engagement in the Christmas holiday season. It's interesting to note that words associated with Physical Violence and Hostility see a steady growth.
Most frequent abusive attitude
In the figure below is displayed the percentage of misogynous posts for each category of misogyny. We can interprete from this observation that a user is most likely to come across references to Physical Violence (80%) , Hostility (78%) , Belittling (48%) and Racism (47%).
Most frequent abusive words
Below we find the top misogynous words and their frequencies used across all categories. The most frequently used words include 'Hate', 'Hit', 'Cut', 'Kill' etc. These words point to some violent attitudes in the comments section of a community that elicits further hateful discussions. Top 5 words from some popular categories are given below.
Do abusive posts receive comments from sympathizers?
Then we tried to find the correlation between frequency of misogynistic words in the title of post and comments section of post. A linear relation is not a surprise because questions asked in relation to misogynous content invited more misogynous discussions in the comments section. This could also indicate that opposite views may not be invited in the comments section.
How well-liked are posts within the community?
The figure below can be interpreted to show that there is a huge portion of posts that received a lot of downvotes. This can be seen from a non-significant crowding in the top left section of the chart. Posts having lesser score than the number of comments generally have a high percentage of misogynous words (0.2% - 0.5%)in the comments section.
Who is exposed to this?
Number of misogynous words found in posts for users above 18 and under 18 was plotted. For AskReddit community, underage users were exposed to less hostile comments as compared to users above 18
Most frequently visited communities amongst commenters
So what communities do the users engaging in negative discourse contribute the most to? In the figure below, we tried to answer this question. These communities have been on Southern Poverty Law Center’s hatewatch.
Baseline Result Comparison
Baseline Results:
Our Results:
Future Work
Due to time restrictions, we could only perform the analysis on 5 subreddits. The work can be extended to other subreddits to gain a larger dataset. Additionally, more in-depth analysis can be made to identify a trend in the content projected by a given user to spot possibilities of severe problems. Algorithms using the concepts of Machine Learning and Deep Learning can be incorporated to train a model on the dataset to alert moderators quicker, or indicate to the user how seriously to take advice espoused by fellow Redditors.