This theme is no longer maintained.
This is the theme for Hugo that supports the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project.
Hugo :: A fast and modern static website engine
- Accelerated Mobile Pages Project a.k.a AMP supported
- Responsive design
- Google Analytics
- High score by Google Page Speed Insight.
- Share button
- Structured data(Article and Breadcrumb)
- Twitter cards
- Specializing in SEO
$ cd themes
$ git clone
baseurl = ""
title = "SiteTitle"
googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXXXX-XX" # Optional
contact = "[email protected]" # Optional
dateformat = "Jan 2, 2006" # Optional
themecolor = "#00bcd4" # Optional, <meta name="theme-color" content="{{ . }}">
# Fonts settings.
googlefonts = "|Lato:400,700" # Optional, Include google fonts.
fontfamily = "Lato,YuGothic,'Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro',Meiryo,sans-serif" # Optional, Override body font family.
logofontfamily = "Lobster, cursive" # Optional, Override logo font.
ampscripts = """ # Optional, scripts for AMP.
<script async custom-element="amp-twitter" src=""></script>
<script async custom-element="amp-iframe" src=""></script>
<script async custom-element="amp-ad" src=""></script>
date = "2016-09-28T17:00:00+09:00"
title = "Article title here"
This themes Header Menu
is using Section
Recommend that you use the section than taxonomy.
├── config.toml
├── content
│ ├── section1 # Separated by Section.
│ │ └──
│ └── section2
│ └──
├── layouts
└── static
└── favicon.ico
{{% iframe src="" w="560" h="315" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" w="600" h="400" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" w="600" h="400" class="right" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" w="600" h="400" class="left" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" w="600" h="400" caption="Referenced from wikipedia." href="" %}}
Break float.
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" w="600" h="400" class="right" %}}
brabrabra # Displayed left of the image.
{{% clear %}}
brabrabra # Displayed below of the image.
{{% twitter tweetid="780599416621297xxx" %}}
Supported development mode.
env HUGO_ENV="DEV" hugo server --watch --buildDrafts=true --buildFuture=true -t tropic
This mode is
- Not show Google Analytics tags.
- Show
. - Show
And set {{ if ne (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "DEV" }} Set elements here. {{ end }}
if you want to place only in a production environment.