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Releases: digi-thomas2003/M5PaperCalendar

V0.10 - Small fixes

07 Jan 18:58
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Kleine Korrektur, wenn der erste Tag des aktuellen Monats ein Montag ist.

Small fix if the first day of current month is a monday.

V0.9 - Kleine Verbesserungen

26 Jun 10:07
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Kleine Verbesserungen bei Wetter und Kalender. Keine Nutzung der internen RTC mehr.
Small improvements at weather and calendar. No more using of the internal RTC.

V0.7 - today page

23 Dec 20:08
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Added the next event to the today page


22 Dec 21:24
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Some bug fixes, work on today page

Rel 0.5

18 Dec 16:18
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First release to publish