A differential drive robot using adaptive Monte Carlo localization algorithm to localize itself in a map. In this case the amcl node is subcribed to laser and odometry data.
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-navigation
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-map-server
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-move-base
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-amcl
Try with your own World!
Follow this instructions to create a map from your own gazebo world
PGM map creator deps
$ sudo apt-get install libignition-math2-dev protobuf-compiler
Open a terminal to copy your world file into pgm_map_creator subfolder,
cp ~/your_world_file.world src/pgm_map_creator_world/
Edit this world file you just copied, adding a single line to insert the map creator plugin just befor closing the </world>
<plugin filename="libcollision_map_creator.so" name="collision_map_creator"/>
run gzerver with your modified map file:
gzserver src/pgm_map_creator/world/<YOUR GAZEBO WORLD FILE>
Open another terminal to launch the request_publisher
roslaunch pgm_map_creator request_publisher.launch
It will create a pgm map in the folder src/pgm_creator_map/maps/
Copy this file map.pgm
into src/my_robot/maps/
Now, if you rename .pgm
file, check the mymap.yaml
file, placed in subfolder pgm_map_creator/maps
, has the correct value for the image
Launch in a terminal, after build and source the environment variables:
roslaunch my_robot world.launch
Open a new terminal, source the environment variables and type:
roslaunch my_robot amcl.launch
Set a 2D Navigation Goal in RVIZ
Using teleop twist keyboard
Open a new terminal and type:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
Notice how the robot's position is quickly corrected, although its initial pose: