I would like to recreate an ATM based on depositing cash and send the data data received to the server, I was thinking on using the requirements below
- User Interface (Touch Screen)
- 3 Way Bill Counter(One side Inserting Cash, Another side Taking Valid bills to the safe and last side returning counterfeits back when inserted to the counter)
- P.O.S (For gennerating receipt when transaction was sucessfully)
- Safe (For storing cash received)
- UPS (Backup Power)
- CPU (Containing software and Motherboard linking all devices together so that they can work at appropriate time required)
- Router (Simple Networking device so that i can update the system any time and sending data to server so it cant be lost) I develop softwares in Python, PHP and React. Im not too expert at C, but i think is the reliable language to use when linking devices together. Im open for suggestions and contributions that can help developing this project Thanks a lot