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This page is automatically generated from the following schema file: scenario_32.xsd
I recommend against editing it because edits will likely be lost later.
abc required (one)
[ def ] optional (zero or one)
( ghi )* any number (zero or more)
( jkl )+ at least one
( mno ){2,inf} two or more occurrences
→ scenario
[ analysisNo=int ]
[ wuID=int ]
xsi:schemaLocation="http://openmalaria.org/schema/scenario_32 scenario_32.xsd"
| <demography ... />
| <monitoring ... />
| <interventions ... />
| <healthSystem ... />
| <entomology ... />
| [ <pharmacology ... /> ]
| <model ... />
Description of scenario
Version of xml schema. If not equal to the current version an error is thrown. Use SchemaTranslator to update xml files.
Units: Number Min: 1 Max: 100000000
Unique identifier of scenario
Name of intervention
Units: Number Min: 1 Max: 100000000
Work unit ID. Only used to validate checkpointing, to prevent checkpoint cheats.
→ scenario → demography
[ growthRate=double ]
| <ageGroup ... />
Description of demography
Name of demography data
Units: Count Min: 1 Max: 100000
Population size
Units: Years Min: 0 Max: 100
Maximum age of simulated humans in years
Units: Number Min: 0 Max: 0
Growth rate of human population. (we should be able to implement this with non-zero values)
→ scenario → demography → ageGroup
| ( <group ... /> )+
list of age groups included in demography
list of age groups included in demography or surveys
Units: Years Min: 0 Max: 100
Lower bound of age group
→ scenario → demography → ageGroup → group
Units: Percentage Min: 0 Max: 100
Percentage of human population in age group
Units: Years Min: 0 Max: 100
Upper bound of age group
→ scenario → monitoring
| [ <continuous ... /> ]
| <SurveyOptions ... />
| <surveys ... />
| <ageGroup ... />
| [ <cohorts ... /> ]
Description of surveys
Name of monitoring data
→ scenario → monitoring → continuous
[ duringInit=boolean ]
| ( <option ... /> )*
Units: Days Min: 1 Max: unbounded
Number of timesteps between reports.
Units: Days Min: 1 Max: unbounded
Also output during initialization. By default this is disabled (only intervention-period data is output). This should not be used for predictions, but can be useful for model validation.
In this mode, 'simulation time' is output as the first column (in addition to 'timestep'), since 'timestep' is dis- continuous across the start of the intervention period.
→ scenario → monitoring → continuous → option
[ value=boolean ] DEFAULT VALUE true
Options define different model structures. Option name. Must be one of a strictly defined set. Options are not required to be listed if their default value is desired.
Default value: true
Option value (true/false). Each option has a default value used if the option is not listed (usually false but sometimes true).
→ scenario → monitoring → SurveyOptions
| ( <option ... /> )*
List of all active survey options. See include/Survey.h for a list of supported outputs. Should also be on the wiki.
→ scenario → monitoring → surveys
| ( <surveyTime ... /> )+
List of survey times
Units: parasites/microlitre Min: 0
Limit above which a human's infection is reported as patent.
→ scenario → monitoring → surveys → surveyTime
Survey time; 0 means just before start of main sim and is a valid survey-point. Reported data is either from a point-time survey (immediate data) or is collected over the previous year(data from previous timesteps-per-year period). Simulation will end immediately after last survey is taken.
→ scenario → monitoring → ageGroup
| ( <group ... /> )+
List of age groups included in demography or surveys
Units: Years Min: 0 Max: 100
Lower bound of age group
→ scenario → monitoring → ageGroup → group
Units: Years Min: 0 Max: 100
Upper bound of age group
→ scenario → monitoring → cohorts
| ( <subPop ... /> )+
Allows the configuration of multiple cohorts (output segregated according to membership within specific sub-populations).
If this element is omitted, monitoring surveys cover the entire simulated human population.
It does not affect the "continuous" outputs (these never take cohorts into account).
→ scenario → monitoring → cohorts → subPop
Consider a certain sup-population a cohort, and segregate outputs according to membership. Where multiple sub-populations are listed, segregate output according to all combinations of membership: e.g. if sub-populations A and B are listed, there will be outputs for "member of A and B", "member of A but not B", "B but not A" and "not a member of A or B". Listing n sub-populations implies 2^n sets of outputs (each is further segregated by age groups, survey times and enabled output measures, which could lead to excessive program memory usage and output file size).
To identify outputs, each sub-population has a power of two number as identifier (see "number" attribute). Each of the 2^n output sets is identified by a number: the output set is the output from humans who are members in some set of sub-populations (S1, S2, ...) and not members in some others (T1, T2, ...); the number identifying the set is the sum of the numbers identifying the sets S1, S2, etc.
In the output file, the output set is identified by multiplying this number by 1000 then adding it to the age group column.
Textual identifier for the sub-population (i.e. for an intervention component, since sub-populations are defined as the hosts an intervention component is deployed to).
Units: dimensionless Min: 1 Max: 2097152
Number identifying a sub-population; used to define identifiers of output sets. This number must be a power of 2 (i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, ...). See documentation of subPop element.
| [ <changeHS ... /> ]
| [ <changeEIR ... /> ]
| [ <importedInfections ... /> ]
| [ <insertR_0Case ... /> ]
| [ <uninfectVectors ... /> ]
| [ <vectorPop ... /> ]
| [ <human ... /> ]
List of interventions. Generally these are either point-time distributions of something to some subset of the population, or continuous-time distribution targetting individuals when they reach a certain age.
Name of set of interventions
→ scenario → interventions → changeHS
[ name=string ]
| ( <timedDeployment ... /> )*
Changes to the health system
Name of intervention
→ scenario → interventions → changeHS → timedDeployment
| | <EventScheduler ... />
| | <ImmediateOutcomes ... />
| <CFR ... />
| <pSequelaeInpatient ... />
A complete replacement health system. Replaces all previous properties. (Health system can be replaced multiple times if necessary.)
Description of case management system, used to specify the initial model or a replacement (an intervention). Encompasses case management data and some other data required to derive case outcomes.
Contains a sub-element describing the particular health-system in use. Health system data is here defined as data used to decide on a treatment strategy, given a case requiring treatment.
Units: time-steps Min: 0
Time-step at which this replacement occurs, starting from 0, the first intervention-period time-step.
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler
| <uncomplicated ... />
| <complicated ... />
| <ClinicalOutcomes ... />
| [ <NonMalariaFevers ... /> ]
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → uncomplicated
| <decisions ... />
| <treatments ... />
A set of decisions and a set of treatments.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D → decisions
| ( <decision ... /> )*
Description of decisions for a case management tree. A generic view of this tree would be that each decision is deterministic, or based on probabilities which may depend on other decisions. Probabilistic decisions are described here.
In general, each decision has a name, a defined set of outcome values, and a set of dependent decisions mentioned by name. The following decisions, with their associated outcomes, are provided by the code (and may not be included here):
- case (uncomplicated only): Returns "UC1" if there is no recent history of a malarial case, or "UC2" if there is.
- result: Dependent on decision "test", this performs a parasite density test. Output is one of "none" (no test performed), "positive", "negative".
The following decisions must be described here:
- test (uncomplicated only): Outputs must be "none", "microscopy" or "RDT" to describe which test the "result" decision uses.
- treatment: Describes which treatment to use. Values aren't restricted but must match up with a treatment described in the corresponding "treatments" section.
- hospitalisation (complicated only): none, immediate or delayed.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D → decisions → decision
A decision describes rules for choosing between a set of values.
Lexically, it can contain symbols matching "[_.a-zA-Z0-9]+", round brackets: (), braces: {} and colons. Whitespace is ignored except to separate symbols.
Syntactically, it must match one TREE, where SYMBOL is a symbol described above. (Here, "x|y" means x or y, "x+" means x occurs once or more, brackets show grouping.) TREE := BRANCH_SET | OUTCOME BRANCH_SET := BRANCH+ BRANCH := DECISION '(' VALUE ')' ( ':' OUTCOME | '{' TREE '}' ) OUTCOME, DECISION, VALUE := SYMBOL
For each BRANCH_SET each BRANCH must result in the same DECISION. The DECISION must be one of the dependencies mentioned in "depends". This may be:
- another decision, in which case the VALUE immediately following in brackets must correspond to one of its output values. The BRANCH_SET immediately containing this BRANCH must represent each output value of the same decision exactly once, and no parent BRANCH_SET may be for the same DECISION.
- "p": this entry indicates a probabilistic decision. Where the value is a probability, the sum of all values for the BRANCH_SET must be 1 and the decision must be associated directly with OUTCOMEs (not sub-TREEs).
- "age": this entry indicates an age-test. The VALUE must have the form "a-b", indicating that this branch will be taken for individuals aged such that a <= age < b, where a,b are non-negative real numbers or the special value "inf", and a <= b. All VALUEs in the BRANCH_SET must cover all possible (non-negative real) ages, with no overlap (hence, smallest a must be 0 and greatest b must be inf).
Semantically, each OUTCOME must be one of the values associated with this decision.
The name of this decision. The name must match the regular expression "[_a-zA-Z0-9]+"; that is it can only contain letters, digits and _ characters (no spaces, punctuation, etc.).
A comma-separated list of decisions that must have already been evaluated before the current decision can be evaluated. May be empty. Each decision must be hard-coded or described here. Can include the special decisions "p" and "age", though "age" cannot be combined with any other dependency.
A comma-separated list of outcome values this decision may have. The name of each value must be of the same form as decision names (i.e. only contain letters, digits and _ characters).
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D → treatments
| ( <treatment ... /> )*
A list of drug treatment tables. Each should have a name corresponding to one of the "drug" decision's values.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D → treatments → treatment
| <schedule ... />
| ( <modifier ... /> )*
A description of a base treatment schedule that includes modifiers to handle delays, quality variations, etc.
Units: string
Name corresponding to one of the drug decision's output values.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D → treatments → treatment → schedule
| ( <medicate ... /> )*
The base (unmodified)schedule of drugs administered for this treatment.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D → treatments → treatment → schedule → medicate
[ duration=double ]
Abbreviated name of drug compound
Units: mg
Quantity of drug compound
Units: Hours Min: 0
Number of hours past start of timestep this drug dose is administered at (first dose should be at hour 0).
Units: Hours Min: 0
If this attribute is given, use IV administration instead of orally.
Specifies the number of hours during which the dose is administered.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D → treatments → treatment → modifier
| ( <multiplyQty ... /> )*
| ( <delay ... /> )*
| ( <selectTimeRange ... /> )*
A modifier for this treatment, according to the outputs of a decision.
The "decision" attribute must be the name of a known decision. Then, there must be a set of multipyQty, delay or selectTimeRange sub-elements, each of which corresponds to one value output of the decision.
Units: string
Specifies the decision that this modifier acts on.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D → treatments → treatment → modifier → multiplyQty
[ affectsCost=boolean ]
Multiplies the quantity of active ingredients of drugs administered.
The "drugs" attribute is a comma-separated list of all active ingredients administered in the base schedule (each must be listed once) and the content of this element is a comma- separated list of multipliers for each active ingredient, listed in the same order as in the "drugs" attribute. For example, with drugs="A,B" and content="0.5,1" the quantity of drug A is halved while that of B is unchanged.
Specifies a value of the decision to act on.
Comma-separated list of the effect the modifier has on each drug, in the form DRUG1(EFFECT1),DRUG2(EFFECT2), etc.
Units: None
Does this affect the cost? If false, the effective drug usage (w.r.t. cost)is unaffected by this modifier; if true it is. Defaults to true (if omitted).
Is meaningless for delays.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D → treatments → treatment → modifier → delay
[ affectsCost=boolean ]
Delays administration of drugs listed in the base schedule by so many hours.
The "drugs" attribute is a comma-separated list of all active ingredients administered in the base schedule (each must be listed once) and the content of this element is a comma- separated list of delays (in hours) for each active ingredient, listed in the same order as in the "drugs" attribute. E.g. with drugs="A,B" and content "0,6", drug A is administered as in the base schedule while drug B is administered 6 hours later than specified.
Specifies a value of the decision to act on.
Comma-separated list of the effect the modifier has on each drug, in the form DRUG1(EFFECT1),DRUG2(EFFECT2), etc.
Units: None
Does this affect the cost? If false, the effective drug usage (w.r.t. cost)is unaffected by this modifier; if true it is. Defaults to true (if omitted).
Is meaningless for delays.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D → treatments → treatment → modifier → selectTimeRange
[ affectsCost=boolean ]
Selects which drug doses to administer according to time of administration (before times are modified by delays). Half-open interval: [x,y)
The "drugs" attribute is a comma-separated list of all active ingredients administered in the base schedule (each must be listed once) and the content of this element is a comma- separated list of time-ranges (in hours) for each active ingredient, listed in the same order as in the "drugs" attribute. The time-ranges should be of the form x-y and are interpreted as the half-open interval [x,y); that is a drug listed with time t will only be administered if x <= t < y.
Specifies a value of the decision to act on.
Comma-separated list of the effect the modifier has on each drug, in the form DRUG1(EFFECT1),DRUG2(EFFECT2), etc.
Units: None
Does this affect the cost? If false, the effective drug usage (w.r.t. cost)is unaffected by this modifier; if true it is. Defaults to true (if omitted).
Is meaningless for delays.
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → complicated
| <decisions ... />
| <treatments ... />
A set of decisions and a set of treatments.
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → ClinicalOutcomes
| <maxUCSeekingMemory ... />
| <uncomplicatedCaseDuration ... />
| <complicatedCaseDuration ... />
| <complicatedRiskDuration ... />
| ( <dailyPrImmUCTS ... /> )+
- maxUCSeekingMemory
- uncomplicatedCaseDuration
- complicatedCaseDuration
- complicatedRiskDuration
- dailyPrImmUCTS
Description of base parameters of the clinical model.
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → ClinicalOutcomes → maxUCSeekingMemory
Maximum number of timesteps (including first day of case) that an individual with an uncomplicated case of malaria will remember he/she was sick before resetting.
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → ClinicalOutcomes → uncomplicatedCaseDuration
Fixed length of an uncomplicated case of malarial or non-malarial sickness (from treatment seeking until return to life-as-usual). Usually 3.
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → ClinicalOutcomes → complicatedCaseDuration
Fixed length of a complicated or severe case of malaria (from treatment seeking until return to life-as-usual).
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → ClinicalOutcomes → complicatedRiskDuration
Number of days for which humans are at risk of death during a severe or complicated case of malaria. Cannot be greater than the duration of a complicated case or less than 1 day.
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → ClinicalOutcomes → dailyPrImmUCTS
It is sometimes desirable to model delays to treatment-seeking in uncomplicated cases. While treatment of drugs can be delayed within case management trees to provide a similar effect, this doesn't delay any of the decisions, including diagnostics using the current parasite density.
Instead a list of dailyPrImmUCTS elements can be used, describing successive daily probabilities of treatment (sum must be 1). For example, with a list of two elements with values 0.8 and 0.2, for 80% of UC cases the decision tree is evaluated immediately, and for 20% of cases evaluation is delayed by one day.
For no delay, use one element with a value of 1.
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → NonMalariaFevers
| <prTreatment ... />
| <effectNegativeTest ... />
| <effectPositiveTest ... />
| <effectNeed ... />
| <effectInformal ... />
| <CFR ... />
| <TreatmentEfficacy ... />
Description of non-malaria fever health-system modelling (treatment, outcomes and costing). Incidence is described by the model->clinical->NonMalariaFevers element. Non-malaria fevers are only modelled if the NON_MALARIA_FEVERS option is used.
As further explanation of the parameters below, we first take: β₀ = logit(P₀) - β₃·P(need), and then calculate the probability of antibiotic administration, P(AB), dependent on treatment seeking location. No seeking: P(AB) = 0 Informal sector: logit(P(AB)) = β₀ + β₄ Health facility: logit(P(AB)) = β₀ + β₁·I(neg) + β₂·I(pos) + β₃·I(need) (where I(X) is 1 when event X is true and 0 otherwise, logit(p)=log(p/(1-p)), event "need" is the event that death may occur without treatment, events "neg" and "pos" are the events that a malaria parasite diagnositic was used and indicated no parasites and parasites respectively).
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → NonMalariaFevers → prTreatment
Probability of a non-malaria fever being treated with an antibiotic given that no malaria diagnostic was used but independent of need. Symbol: P₀.
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → NonMalariaFevers → effectNegativeTest
The effect of a negative malaria diagnostic on the odds ratio of receiving antibiotics. Symbol: exp(β₁).
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → NonMalariaFevers → effectPositiveTest
The effect of a positive malaria diagnostic on the odds ratio of receiving antibiotics. Symbol: exp(β₂).
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → NonMalariaFevers → effectNeed
The effect of needing antibiotic treatment on the odds ratio of receiving antibiotics. Symbol: exp(β₃).
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → NonMalariaFevers → effectInformal
The effect of seeking treatment from an informal provider (i.e. a provider untrained in NMF diagnosis) on the odds ratio of receiving antibiotics. Symbol: exp(β₄)
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → NonMalariaFevers → CFR
[ interpolation=("none" or "linear") ]
| ( <group ... /> )+
Base case fatality rate for non-malaria fevers (probability of death from a fever requiring antibiotic treatment given that no antibiotic treatment is received, per age-group).
interpolation=("none" or "linear")
Interpolation algorithm. Normally it is desirable for age-based values to be continuous w.r.t. age. By default linear interpolation is used.
With all algorithms except "none", the age groups are converted to a set of points centred within each age range. Extra points are added at each end (zero and infinity) to keep value constant at both ends of the function. A zero-length age group may be used as a kind of barrier to adjust the distribution; e.g. with age group boundaries at 15, 20 and 25 years, a (linear) spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 22.5, whereas with boundaries at 15, 20 and 20 years, a spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 20 years (may be desired if individuals are assumed to reach adult size at 20).
- none: input values are used directly
- linear: straight lines (on an age vs. value graph) are used to interpolate data points.
→ scenario → healthSystem → CFR → group
A series of values according to age groups, each specified with a lower-bound and a value. The first lower-bound specified must be zero; a final upper-bound of infinity is added to complete the last age group. At least one age group is required. Normally these are interpolated by a continuous function (see interpolation attribute).
Units: Years Min: 0 Max: 100
Lower bound of age group
→ scenario → healthSystem → EventScheduler → NonMalariaFevers → TreatmentEfficacy
Probability that treatment would prevent a death (i.e. CFR is multiplied by one minus this when treatment occurs).
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes
[ useDiagnosticUC=boolean ] DEFAULT VALUE false
| <drugRegimen ... />
| <initialACR ... />
| <compliance ... />
| <nonCompliersEffective ... />
| <treatmentActions ... />
| <pSeekOfficialCareUncomplicated1 ... />
| <pSelfTreatUncomplicated ... />
| <pSeekOfficialCareUncomplicated2 ... />
| <pSeekOfficialCareSevere ... />
| [ <primaquine ... /> ]
- drugRegimen
- initialACR
- compliance
- nonCompliersEffective
- treatmentActions
- pSeekOfficialCareUncomplicated1
- pSelfTreatUncomplicated
- pSeekOfficialCareUncomplicated2
- pSeekOfficialCareSevere
- primaquine
Description of "immediate outcomes" health system: Tediosi et al case management model (Case management as described in AJTMH 75 (suppl 2) pp90-103).
Name of health system
Default value: false
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → drugRegimen
Description of drug regimen.
Units: Drug code
Code for first line drug
Units: Drug code
Code for second line drug
Units: Drug code
Code for drug used for treating inpatients
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → initialACR
| [ <CQ ... /> ]
| [ <SP ... /> ]
| [ <AQ ... /> ]
| [ <SPAQ ... /> ]
| [ <ACT ... /> ]
| [ <QN ... /> ]
| <selfTreatment ... />
Initial cure rate
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → initialACR → CQ
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → initialACR → SP
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → initialACR → AQ
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → initialACR → SPAQ
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → initialACR → ACT
Artemisinine combination therapy
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → initialACR → QN
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → initialACR → selfTreatment
Probability of self-treatment
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → compliance
| [ <CQ ... /> ]
| [ <SP ... /> ]
| [ <AQ ... /> ]
| [ <SPAQ ... /> ]
| [ <ACT ... /> ]
| [ <QN ... /> ]
| <selfTreatment ... />
Adherence to treatment
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → nonCompliersEffective
| [ <CQ ... /> ]
| [ <SP ... /> ]
| [ <AQ ... /> ]
| [ <SPAQ ... /> ]
| [ <ACT ... /> ]
| [ <QN ... /> ]
| <selfTreatment ... />
Effectiveness of treatment for non-compliant patients
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → treatmentActions
| [ <CQ ... /> ]
| [ <SP ... /> ]
| [ <AQ ... /> ]
| [ <SPAQ ... /> ]
| [ <ACT ... /> ]
| [ <QN ... /> ]
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → treatmentActions → CQ
[ name=string ]
| ( <deploy ... /> )*
Describes the effects of the treatment, assuming this compliance/adherence/... option is selected. Effects are described in terms of a list of options, each of which acts independently but with all effects being activated simultaneously.
Lists intervention components which are deployed according to some external trigger (for example, screening with a negative patency outcome or health-system treatment).
Components are referenced from one or more sub-lists. Each of these lists is deployed independently if and only if its age constraints are met by the human host and a random sample with the given probability of a positive outcome is positive.
Describes what this compliance option represents (e.g. "good compliance", "poor compliance with good drugs", ...).
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → screen → positive → deploy
[ maxAge=double ]
[ minAge=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
[ p=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1
| ( <component ... /> )+
Units: Years Min: 0
Maximum age of eligible humans (defaults to no limit)
Units: Years Min: 0 Default value: 0
Minimum age of eligible humans (defaults to 0)
Units: dimensionless Min: 0 Max: 1 Default value: 1
Probability of this list of components being deployed, given that other constraints are met.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → screen → positive → deploy → component
The list of components deployed to eligible humans.
The identifier (short name) of a component.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → treatmentActions → CQ → clearInfections
stage=("liver" or "blood" or "both")
This clears infections according to several options: it can clear all blood stage infections, all liver stage infections or both, and it can act on multiple timesteps. To have a probability of no action add another treatment option (which does nothing) and set the probabilities of selection appropriately.
This allows immediate (legacy) or delayed action, a prophylactic period, and selection of which stages are targeted. It is a simple model but appropriate enough for use with the five day timestep when assuming no resistance and that drug failure is mainly caused by bad drugs or compliance.
The old treatment action for the five-day timestep model is essentially this, with immediateAction (timesteps=-1) and stage=both, except for the IPT model's SP action, which was more like with timesteps>1 and stage=blood.
Units: Timesteps Min: -1
The number of timesteps during which this action remains in effect (e.g. 2 means clear infections during the next two timestep updates). Full clearance of the targeted stages occurs during this time.
A special value of -1 means act immediately (retrospectively); this the old behaviour. A value of 1 means act on the next timestep only.
Both of these can be thought of as a model for short-acting effective drug treatment; the main differences are that the latter means parasite densities will remain high from the point of view of surveys and diagnostics (i.e. mass screen and treat) used before the next timestep and that the latter will also remove infections starting the next timestep. Arguably the latter is a better model, but the differences are perhaps small, excepting where immediate treatment of fevers (i.e. through the health system) can hide high parasite densities from reporting and mass-screen-and-treat diagnostics. For use by interventions, the latter model has nicer behaviour in that the order of deployment of multiple interventions deployed at the same time does not matter, and that the former model retrospectively treats infections which may already have caused fever, thus may have a lower health impact than it should.
It is recommended to use the new model (value 1, or greater than 1 if prophylactic effect is desired) unless wanting to emulate the old behaviour.
Values of 0 or less than -1 are not allowed.
stage=("liver" or "blood" or "both")
Controls whether liver-stage or blood-stage infections are cleared, or both.
Infections are considered liver-stage for one 5-day timestep, blood-stage but pre-patent for some number of timesteps (latentp - 1), then start the patent blood stage. If stage is set to "liver", infections are only cleared during their first timestep; if stage is set to "blood", infections are cleared during pre-patent and patent blood stages; if stage is set to "both" all infections are cleared.
The old behaviour (oddly considering the drugs it is meant to emulate) is to clear both stages, except for the IPT model of SP action, which cleared only patent blood-stage infections.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → treatmentActions → SP
[ name=string ]
| ( <deploy ... /> )*
Describes the effects of the treatment, assuming this compliance/adherence/... option is selected. Effects are described in terms of a list of options, each of which acts independently but with all effects being activated simultaneously.
Lists intervention components which are deployed according to some external trigger (for example, screening with a negative patency outcome or health-system treatment).
Components are referenced from one or more sub-lists. Each of these lists is deployed independently if and only if its age constraints are met by the human host and a random sample with the given probability of a positive outcome is positive.
Describes what this compliance option represents (e.g. "good compliance", "poor compliance with good drugs", ...).
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → treatmentActions → AQ
[ name=string ]
| ( <deploy ... /> )*
Describes the effects of the treatment, assuming this compliance/adherence/... option is selected. Effects are described in terms of a list of options, each of which acts independently but with all effects being activated simultaneously.
Lists intervention components which are deployed according to some external trigger (for example, screening with a negative patency outcome or health-system treatment).
Components are referenced from one or more sub-lists. Each of these lists is deployed independently if and only if its age constraints are met by the human host and a random sample with the given probability of a positive outcome is positive.
Describes what this compliance option represents (e.g. "good compliance", "poor compliance with good drugs", ...).
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → treatmentActions → SPAQ
[ name=string ]
| ( <deploy ... /> )*
Describes the effects of the treatment, assuming this compliance/adherence/... option is selected. Effects are described in terms of a list of options, each of which acts independently but with all effects being activated simultaneously.
Lists intervention components which are deployed according to some external trigger (for example, screening with a negative patency outcome or health-system treatment).
Components are referenced from one or more sub-lists. Each of these lists is deployed independently if and only if its age constraints are met by the human host and a random sample with the given probability of a positive outcome is positive.
Describes what this compliance option represents (e.g. "good compliance", "poor compliance with good drugs", ...).
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → treatmentActions → ACT
[ name=string ]
| ( <deploy ... /> )*
Describes the effects of the treatment, assuming this compliance/adherence/... option is selected. Effects are described in terms of a list of options, each of which acts independently but with all effects being activated simultaneously.
Lists intervention components which are deployed according to some external trigger (for example, screening with a negative patency outcome or health-system treatment).
Components are referenced from one or more sub-lists. Each of these lists is deployed independently if and only if its age constraints are met by the human host and a random sample with the given probability of a positive outcome is positive.
Describes what this compliance option represents (e.g. "good compliance", "poor compliance with good drugs", ...).
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → treatmentActions → QN
[ name=string ]
| ( <deploy ... /> )*
Describes the effects of the treatment, assuming this compliance/adherence/... option is selected. Effects are described in terms of a list of options, each of which acts independently but with all effects being activated simultaneously.
Lists intervention components which are deployed according to some external trigger (for example, screening with a negative patency outcome or health-system treatment).
Components are referenced from one or more sub-lists. Each of these lists is deployed independently if and only if its age constraints are met by the human host and a random sample with the given probability of a positive outcome is positive.
Describes what this compliance option represents (e.g. "good compliance", "poor compliance with good drugs", ...).
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → pSeekOfficialCareUncomplicated1
Probability that a patient with newly incident uncomplicated disease seeks official care
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → pSelfTreatUncomplicated
Probability that a patient with uncomplicated disease will self-treat
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → pSeekOfficialCareUncomplicated2
Probability that a patient with recurrence of uncomplicated disease seeks official care
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → pSeekOfficialCareSevere
Probability that a patient with severe disease obtains appropriate care
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → primaquine
| <pHumanCannotReceive ... />
| <pUseUncomplicated ... />
| <effectivenessOnUse ... />
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → primaquine → pHumanCannotReceive
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → primaquine → pUseUncomplicated
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → ImmediateOutcomes → primaquine → effectivenessOnUse
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → healthSystem → CFR
[ interpolation=("none" or "linear") ]
| ( <group ... /> )+
Case fatality rate (probability of an inpatient fatality from a bout of severe malaria, per age-group).
interpolation=("none" or "linear")
Interpolation algorithm. Normally it is desirable for age-based values to be continuous w.r.t. age. By default linear interpolation is used.
With all algorithms except "none", the age groups are converted to a set of points centred within each age range. Extra points are added at each end (zero and infinity) to keep value constant at both ends of the function. A zero-length age group may be used as a kind of barrier to adjust the distribution; e.g. with age group boundaries at 15, 20 and 25 years, a (linear) spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 22.5, whereas with boundaries at 15, 20 and 20 years, a spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 20 years (may be desired if individuals are assumed to reach adult size at 20).
- none: input values are used directly
- linear: straight lines (on an age vs. value graph) are used to interpolate data points.
→ scenario → healthSystem → pSequelaeInpatient
[ interpolation=("none" or "linear") ]
| ( <group ... /> )+
List of age-specific probabilities of sequelae in inpatients, during a severe bout of malaria.
interpolation=("none" or "linear")
Interpolation algorithm. Normally it is desirable for age-based values to be continuous w.r.t. age. By default linear interpolation is used.
With all algorithms except "none", the age groups are converted to a set of points centred within each age range. Extra points are added at each end (zero and infinity) to keep value constant at both ends of the function. A zero-length age group may be used as a kind of barrier to adjust the distribution; e.g. with age group boundaries at 15, 20 and 25 years, a (linear) spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 22.5, whereas with boundaries at 15, 20 and 20 years, a spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 20 years (may be desired if individuals are assumed to reach adult size at 20).
- none: input values are used directly
- linear: straight lines (on an age vs. value graph) are used to interpolate data points.
→ scenario → interventions → changeEIR
[ name=string ]
| ( <timedDeployment ... /> )*
New description of transmission level for models not supporting vector control interventions. Use of this overrides previous transmission levels such that human infectiousness no longer has any feedback effect on transmission. Supplied EIR data must last until end of simulation.
Name of intervention
→ scenario → interventions → changeEIR → timedDeployment
| ( <EIRDaily ... /> )+
Replacement transmission levels. Disables feedback of human infectiousness to mosquitoes on further mosquito to human transmission. Must last until end of simulation.
Units: time-steps Min: 0
Time-step at which this replacement occurs, starting from 0, the first intervention-period time-step.
→ scenario → entomology → nonVector → EIRDaily
[ origin=string ]
In the non-vector model, EIR is input as a sequence of daily values. There must be at least one years' worth of entries (365), and if there are more, values are wrapped and averaged (i.e. value for first day of year is taken as the mean of values for days 0, 365+0, 2*365+0, etc.).
→ scenario → interventions → importedInfections
[ name=string ]
| <timed ... />
Models importation of P. falciparum infections directly into humans from an external source. This is infections, not inoculations or EIR being imported.
Name of intervention
→ scenario → interventions → importedInfections → timed
[ period=int ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
| ( <rate ... /> )+
Rate of case importation, as a step function. Each value is valid until replaced by the next value.
Units: time-steps Min: 0 Default value: 0
If period is 0 (or effectively infinite), the last specified value remains indefinitely in effect, otherwise the times of all values specified must be less than the period, and values are repeated modulo period (timestep period+2 has same value as timestep 2, etc.).
→ scenario → interventions → importedInfections → timed → rate
A time-rate pair.
Units: time-steps Min: 0
→ scenario → interventions → insertR_0Case
[ name=string ]
| ( <timedDeployment ... /> )*
Used to simulate R_0. First, infections should be eliminated, immunity removed, and the population given an effective transmission- blocking vaccine (not done by this intervention). Then this intervention may be used to: pick one human, infect him, administer a fully effective Preerythrocytic vaccine and remove transmission-blocking vaccine effect on this human. Thus only this one human will be a source of infections in an unprotected population, and will not reinfected himself.
Name of intervention
→ scenario → interventions → insertR_0Case → timedDeployment
Units: time-steps Min: 0
Time-step at which this intervention occurs, starting from 0, the first intervention-period time-step.
→ scenario → interventions → uninfectVectors
[ name=string ]
| ( <timedDeployment ... /> )*
Removes all infections from mosquitoes -- resulting in zero EIR to humans, until such time that mosquitoes are re-infected and become infectious. Only efficacious in dynamic EIR mode (when changeEIR was not used).
Hypothetical, but potentially useful to simulate a setting starting from no infections, but with enough mosquitoes to reach a set equilibrium of exposure.
Name of intervention
→ scenario → interventions → uninfectVectors → timedDeployment
Units: time-steps Min: 0
Time-step at which this intervention occurs, starting from 0, the first intervention-period time-step.
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop
| ( <intervention ... /> )+
A list of parameterisations of generic vector host-inspecific interventions.
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention
| <description ... />
| [ <timed ... /> ]
An intervention which may have various effects on the vector populations as a whole. (Not host specific.)
Multiple instances of this intervention class are allowed (multiple parameterisations, not just deployments).
Each instance may have multiple deployments. In this case the effects of each instance are independent (effects are combined) but the effects of multiple deployments of a single instance are not independent (only the latest deployment has any effect).
Name of intervention (e.g. larviciding, sugar bait).
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention → description
| ( <anopheles ... /> )+
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention → description → anopheles
| [ <seekingDeathRateIncrease ... /> ]
| [ <probDeathOvipositing ... /> ]
| [ <emergenceReduction ... /> ]
Descriptions of the effects of vector interventions with per-species effects.
Name of the species/subspecies/variant.
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention → description → anopheles → seekingDeathRateIncrease
| <decay ... />
Describe an effect on the increase in the death rate while host seeking (mu_vA) due to this intervention.
Enter the rate increase (i.e. if rate increases to 120% of normal, give 0.2). New death rate while seeking is old × (1 + increase) where increase is this factor given. Must have increas ≥ -1.
Units: dimensionless Min: -1 Max: inf
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention → description → anopheles → seekingDeathRateIncrease → decay
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
[ k=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1.0
[ mu=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
[ sigma=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
Specification of decay or survival of a parameter.
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
Units: None Min: 0 Max: 1
Determines which decay function to use. Available decay functions, for age t in years:
constant: 1
step: 1 for t less than L, otherwise 0
linear: 1 - t/L for t less than L, otherwise 0
exponential: exp( - t/L * log(2) )
weibull: exp( -(t/L)^k * log(2) )
hill: 1 / (1 + (t/L)^k)
smooth-compact: exp( k - k / (1 - (t/L)^2) ) for t less than L, otherwise 0
Units: Years Min: 0
Scale parameter of distribution. With the smooth-compact (smooth function with compact support), step and linear functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to 0; with the other three functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to half its original value. Not used for constant decay (though must be specified anyway).
Units: none Min: 0 Default value: 1.0
Shape parameter of distribution. If not specified, default value of 1 is used. Meaning depends on function; not used in some cases.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
Note that with m=0, the median of the variable and the median value of L is unchanged, and thus the time at which the median decay amongst the population of decaying objects reaches half (assuming exponential, Weibull or Hill decay) is L. With m=-½σ² (negative half sigma squared) the mean of the variable will be 1 and mean of the half-life L, but the time at which mean decay of the population has reached half may not be L.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention → description → anopheles → probDeathOvipositing
| <decay ... />
Describe an effect of increased mortality while ovipositing due to this intervention. Enter the probability of dying due to this intervention.
Units: dimensionless Min: 0 Max: 1
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention → description → anopheles → probDeathOvipositing → decay
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
[ k=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1.0
[ mu=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
[ sigma=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
Specification of decay or survival of a parameter.
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
Units: None Min: 0 Max: 1
Determines which decay function to use. Available decay functions, for age t in years:
constant: 1
step: 1 for t less than L, otherwise 0
linear: 1 - t/L for t less than L, otherwise 0
exponential: exp( - t/L * log(2) )
weibull: exp( -(t/L)^k * log(2) )
hill: 1 / (1 + (t/L)^k)
smooth-compact: exp( k - k / (1 - (t/L)^2) ) for t less than L, otherwise 0
Units: Years Min: 0
Scale parameter of distribution. With the smooth-compact (smooth function with compact support), step and linear functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to 0; with the other three functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to half its original value. Not used for constant decay (though must be specified anyway).
Units: none Min: 0 Default value: 1.0
Shape parameter of distribution. If not specified, default value of 1 is used. Meaning depends on function; not used in some cases.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
Note that with m=0, the median of the variable and the median value of L is unchanged, and thus the time at which the median decay amongst the population of decaying objects reaches half (assuming exponential, Weibull or Hill decay) is L. With m=-½σ² (negative half sigma squared) the mean of the variable will be 1 and mean of the half-life L, but the time at which mean decay of the population has reached half may not be L.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention → description → anopheles → emergenceReduction
| <decay ... />
Describe an effect on emergence of pupa into adults: this value is the proportion of emerging pupa which are killed by this intervention.
This can be used as a crude way of modelling larviciding. It ca also be used to increase emergence by giving a negative value. The emergence rate is "old rate" × (1 - factor) where factor is the value given here; thus, for example, using -1 will double emergence.
Units: dimensionless Min: -inf Max: 1
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention → description → anopheles → emergenceReduction → decay
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
[ k=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1.0
[ mu=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
[ sigma=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
Specification of decay or survival of a parameter.
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
Units: None Min: 0 Max: 1
Determines which decay function to use. Available decay functions, for age t in years:
constant: 1
step: 1 for t less than L, otherwise 0
linear: 1 - t/L for t less than L, otherwise 0
exponential: exp( - t/L * log(2) )
weibull: exp( -(t/L)^k * log(2) )
hill: 1 / (1 + (t/L)^k)
smooth-compact: exp( k - k / (1 - (t/L)^2) ) for t less than L, otherwise 0
Units: Years Min: 0
Scale parameter of distribution. With the smooth-compact (smooth function with compact support), step and linear functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to 0; with the other three functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to half its original value. Not used for constant decay (though must be specified anyway).
Units: none Min: 0 Default value: 1.0
Shape parameter of distribution. If not specified, default value of 1 is used. Meaning depends on function; not used in some cases.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
Note that with m=0, the median of the variable and the median value of L is unchanged, and thus the time at which the median decay amongst the population of decaying objects reaches half (assuming exponential, Weibull or Hill decay) is L. With m=-½σ² (negative half sigma squared) the mean of the variable will be 1 and mean of the half-life L, but the time at which mean decay of the population has reached half may not be L.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention → timed
| ( <deploy ... /> )+
List of timed vector population intervention deployment
→ scenario → interventions → vectorPop → intervention → timed → deploy
Units: time-steps Min: 0
Time-step at which this intervention occurs, starting from 0, the first intervention-period time-step.
→ scenario → interventions → human
| ( <component ... /> )+
| ( <deployment ... /> )*
Encapsulates all interventions whose effects are specific to the human host: any interventions where target humans may be selected via population-coverage, age limits and sub-population membership.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component
[ name=string ]
| | <screen ... />
| | <MDA ... />
| | <MDA1D ... />
| | <PEV ... />
| | <BSV ... />
| | <TBV ... />
| | <ITN ... />
| | <IRS ... />
| | <GVI ... />
| | [ <recruitmentOnly ... /> ]
| | <clearImmunity ... />
| [ <subPopRemoval ... /> ]
A parameterisation of an effect achieved by one component of an intervention. (An intervention is described as the effects of a set of components plus deployments of those components. This describes the components individually, not deployments or which components comprise an intervention.)
Each element describes one component: its effects, decay of the(se) effect(s), and related stuff (e.g. description of indirect decay and of usage levels).
Different interventions can deploy the same component to the same perso. In most cases this will just deploy a fresh instance (e.g. a new bed net will replace the old (nobody uses multiple bed nets), or a new drug dose will act on top of previous doses, or in the case of a vaccine, effect depends on the total number of previous inoculations (including from other interventions).
Where multiple components of the same type (but with different ids) are deployed (whether within a single intervention or by multiple interventions), they act independently (e.g. two bed nets deployed to a single host would act to reduce attractiveness or survival of mosquitoes biting that host twice — this may be useful to simulate some novel vector intervention since the two nets may have separate parameters).
A short name or code identifying the intervention component (used to refer to this component when describing an intervention). Also the id of the sub-population defined as those hosts who have received this intervention and who haven't subsequently been removed from the sub-population.
An informal name/description for the component
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → screen
| <diagnostic ... />
| <positive ... />
| <negative ... />
This can be combined with MDA to achieve mass screen and treat (MSAT) or other types of mass screening intervention.
When deployed to a host, this simulates a test of patent malaria (microscopy, RDT or some such), then triggers deployment of whichever intervention components are configured (deployments for both positive and negative test outcomes can be configured).
The use of the screening itself is reported (if enabled), but not the outcome. Deployment of interventions triggered by the screening may be reported, however.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → screen → diagnostic
| | <deterministic ... />
| | <stochastic ... />
Description of the diagnostic test used by the screening.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → screen → diagnostic → deterministic
Specify that an artificial deterministic test is used: drugs are administered if parasite density is at least the minimum given.
Units: parasites/microlitre Min: 0
The minimum density at which parasites can be detected. If 0, the test outcome is always positive.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → screen → diagnostic → stochastic
An improved model of detection which is non-deterministic, including false positive results as well as false negatives.
The probability of a positive outcome is modelled as 1 + s×(x/(x+d) - 1) where x is the parasite density, d is the density at which the test outcome has a 50% chance of being positive, and s is the probability of a positive outcome given no parasites (the specificity).
Some parameterisations:
Microscopy sensitivity/specificity data in Africa; Source: expert opinion — Allan Schapira dens_50 = 20.0 specificity = .75
RDT sensitivity/specificity for Plasmodium falciparum in Africa Source: Murray et al (Clinical Microbiological Reviews, Jan. 2008) dens_50 = 50.0; specificity = .942;
Units: parasites/microlitre Min: 0
The density at which the test outcome has a 50% chance of being positive.
Units: Dimensionless Min: 0 Max: 1
The probability of a positive test outcome in the absense of parasites.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → screen → positive
| ( <deploy ... /> )*
Lists intervention components which are deployed according to some external trigger (for example, screening with a negative patency outcome or health-system treatment).
Components are referenced from one or more sub-lists. Each of these lists is deployed independently if and only if its age constraints are met by the human host and a random sample with the given probability of a positive outcome is positive.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → screen → negative
| ( <deploy ... /> )*
Lists intervention components which are deployed according to some external trigger (for example, screening with a negative patency outcome or health-system treatment).
Components are referenced from one or more sub-lists. Each of these lists is deployed independently if and only if its age constraints are met by the human host and a random sample with the given probability of a positive outcome is positive.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA
| <effects ... />
Description of treatment deployed as an intervention (treatment is usually a simple model of a drug's action, thus when deployed on mass or via screening this becomes part of a mass drug administration (MDA) or mass screen-and-treat (MSAT) intervention. For historical reasons this is called "MDA" in the XML, not "treatment".
For the 1-day timestep models, a more detailed model of drug action and more flexible model of deployment decisions are available; see MDA1D.
The model of action of this intervention is to select one option from a list of treatment options (randomly when multiple are available) then carry out the treatment option's actions (which may be to do nothing).
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA → effects
| ( <option ... /> )+
A list of treatment options. When treatment is to be given, one option will be selected randomly (according to the "pSelection" probability of selection parameters given), and the actions of that option enacted.
Multiple options are intended to allow simulation of drug failure and varying patient adherence. An option may do nothing.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA → effects → option
| ( <deploy ... /> )*
Describes the effects of the treatment, assuming this compliance/adherence/... option is selected. Effects are described in terms of a list of options, each of which acts independently but with all effects being activated simultaneously.
Lists intervention components which are deployed according to some external trigger (for example, screening with a negative patency outcome or health-system treatment).
Components are referenced from one or more sub-lists. Each of these lists is deployed independently if and only if its age constraints are met by the human host and a random sample with the given probability of a positive outcome is positive.
Units: dimensionless Min: 0 Max: 1
The probability of selection of this treatment option. The sum of probabilities of all options in the list should be 1.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → MDA1D
| <decisions ... />
| <treatments ... />
Description of a MDA/MSAT intervention (Mass Screen and Treat is just Mass Drug Administration with a diagnostic).
This MDA/MSAT model piggy-backs the 1-day timestep case management and drug models, and thus is only available when using a 1-day timestep.
Description of treatment type used by mass treatment option of one-day case management model. Can be used to describe one-size-fits-all mass drug dosing, age-based mass drug dosing and screen-and-treat. Number of treatments given can be reported by the nMDAs option.
A set of decisions and a set of treatments.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → PEV
| <decay ... />
| <efficacyB ... />
| ( <initialEfficacy ... /> )+
Pre-erythrocytic vaccine (PEV): prevents a proportion of infections from commencing.
Description of a vaccine's effect
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → PEV → decay
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
[ k=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1.0
[ mu=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
[ sigma=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
Specification of decay of efficacy. Documentation: see DecayFunction type or http://code.google.com/p/openmalaria/wiki/ModelDecayFunctions
Specification of decay or survival of a parameter.
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
Units: None Min: 0 Max: 1
Determines which decay function to use. Available decay functions, for age t in years:
constant: 1
step: 1 for t less than L, otherwise 0
linear: 1 - t/L for t less than L, otherwise 0
exponential: exp( - t/L * log(2) )
weibull: exp( -(t/L)^k * log(2) )
hill: 1 / (1 + (t/L)^k)
smooth-compact: exp( k - k / (1 - (t/L)^2) ) for t less than L, otherwise 0
Units: Years Min: 0
Scale parameter of distribution. With the smooth-compact (smooth function with compact support), step and linear functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to 0; with the other three functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to half its original value. Not used for constant decay (though must be specified anyway).
Units: none Min: 0 Default value: 1.0
Shape parameter of distribution. If not specified, default value of 1 is used. Meaning depends on function; not used in some cases.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
Note that with m=0, the median of the variable and the median value of L is unchanged, and thus the time at which the median decay amongst the population of decaying objects reaches half (assuming exponential, Weibull or Hill decay) is L. With m=-½σ² (negative half sigma squared) the mean of the variable will be 1 and mean of the half-life L, but the time at which mean decay of the population has reached half may not be L.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → PEV → efficacyB
Measure of variation in vaccine efficacy: efficacy is sampled from a beta distribution with efficacyB its beta parameter and its alpha parameter fixed such that the mean is that given by initialEfficacy.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → PEV → initialEfficacy
Mean efficacy values before decay (see efficacyB and decay parameter descriptions for sampling and decay). The i-th value in this list is used for the efficacy of the vaccine after the i-th dose. Where more doses are given than there are values in this list, the last value is repeated.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → BSV
| <decay ... />
| <efficacyB ... />
| ( <initialEfficacy ... /> )+
Blood-stage vaccine (BSV): acts as a killing factor on blood-stage parasites. Exact action depends on the within host model.
Description of a vaccine's effect
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → TBV
| <decay ... />
| <efficacyB ... />
| ( <initialEfficacy ... /> )+
Transmission-blocking vaccine (TBV): one minus this scales the probability of transmission to mosquitoes
Description of a vaccine's effect
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN
| <usage ... />
| <holeRate ... />
| <ripRate ... />
| <ripFactor ... />
| <initialInsecticide ... />
| <insecticideDecay ... />
| <attritionOfNets ... />
| ( <anophelesParams ... /> )+
- usage
- holeRate
- ripRate
- ripFactor
- initialInsecticide
- insecticideDecay
- attritionOfNets
- anophelesParams
Description of bed-net interventions (ITNs, LLINs).
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → usage
Usage of nets by humans, from 0 to 1.
At the moment this is constant across humans and deterministic: relative attractiveness and survival factors are base*(1-usagepropActing) + intervention_factorusage*propActing.
See also "propActing" (proportion of bits for which net acts).
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → holeRate
The rate at which new holes are made in nets.
nHoles(t) = nHoles(t-1) + X where X~Pois(R/T) where T is the number of time-steps per year. R is sampled from log-normal: R ~ log N( log(mean)-sigma²/2, sigma² ) and is covariant with ripRate and insecticideDecay. (To be exact, a single Gaussian sample is taken, adjusted for each sigma then exponentiated.)
Parameters of a log-normal distribution.
Variates are sampled as: X ~ log N( log(mean)-sigma²/2, sigma² ).
Units: (same as base units)
The mean of the lognormal distribution.
Sigma parameter of the lognormal distribution; sigma squared is the variance of the log of samples.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → ripRate
Each existing hole has a probability of being ripped bigger according to a Poisson process with this rate as (only) parameter.
New rips occur in a net at rate X~Pois(h×R/T) where h is the number of existing holes and T the number of time-steps per year. R is sampled from log-normal: R ~ log N( log(mean)-sigma²/2, sigma² ) and is covariant with holeRate and insecticideDecay. (To be exact, a single Gaussian sample is taken, adjusted for the each and sigma then exponentiated.)
Parameters of a log-normal distribution.
Variates are sampled as: X ~ log N( log(mean)-sigma²/2, sigma² ).
Units: (same as base units)
The mean of the lognormal distribution.
Sigma parameter of the lognormal distribution; sigma squared is the variance of the log of samples.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → ripFactor
This factor expresses how important rips are in increasing the hole.
The hole index of a net is h + F×x where h and x are the total numbers of holes and rips respectively and F is the rip factor.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → initialInsecticide
The insecticide concentration of new nets is Gaussian distributed with mean "mu" and a standard deviation "sigma". The standard deviation should be small relative to the mean to avoid negative initial concentration. Any negative values sampled are set to 0.
Parameters of a normal distribution.
Variates are sampled as: X ~ N( mu, sigma² ).
Units: (same as base units)
The mean of the normal distribution.
Units: (same as base units)
The standard deviation of variates.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → insecticideDecay
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
[ k=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1.0
[ mu=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
[ sigma=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
Decay curve for insecticide content of nets. Documentation: see DecayFunction type or http://code.google.com/p/openmalaria/wiki/ModelDecayFunctions
The distribution of decay rates over nets is covariant with the distribution of ripRate and holeRate over nets. This distribution is generated by taking one sample per net from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. For each variable, the sample is multiplied by the respective sigma and a constant added such that, once exponentiated, the mean of the variable over nets is 1. The variable is then exponentiated and multiplied by the required mean rate for the respective variable.
Specification of decay or survival of a parameter.
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
Units: None Min: 0 Max: 1
Determines which decay function to use. Available decay functions, for age t in years:
constant: 1
step: 1 for t less than L, otherwise 0
linear: 1 - t/L for t less than L, otherwise 0
exponential: exp( - t/L * log(2) )
weibull: exp( -(t/L)^k * log(2) )
hill: 1 / (1 + (t/L)^k)
smooth-compact: exp( k - k / (1 - (t/L)^2) ) for t less than L, otherwise 0
Units: Years Min: 0
Scale parameter of distribution. With the smooth-compact (smooth function with compact support), step and linear functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to 0; with the other three functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to half its original value. Not used for constant decay (though must be specified anyway).
Units: none Min: 0 Default value: 1.0
Shape parameter of distribution. If not specified, default value of 1 is used. Meaning depends on function; not used in some cases.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
Note that with m=0, the median of the variable and the median value of L is unchanged, and thus the time at which the median decay amongst the population of decaying objects reaches half (assuming exponential, Weibull or Hill decay) is L. With m=-½σ² (negative half sigma squared) the mean of the variable will be 1 and mean of the half-life L, but the time at which mean decay of the population has reached half may not be L.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → attritionOfNets
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
[ k=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1.0
[ mu=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
[ sigma=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
Specifies the rate at which nets are disposed of over time. Documentation: see DecayFunction type or http://code.google.com/p/openmalaria/wiki/ModelDecayFunctions
In the current model, nets are disposed of randomly (no correlation with state of decay) such that the chance of each net surviving until age t is the value of this decay function at time t. Equivalently (where a large number of nets are distributed at the same time), the proportion of nets remaining in use should match this decay function over time.
Humans are removed from the intervention component's sub-population on disposal (attrition) of their nets. Currently this event is not reported.
Specification of decay or survival of a parameter.
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
Units: None Min: 0 Max: 1
Determines which decay function to use. Available decay functions, for age t in years:
constant: 1
step: 1 for t less than L, otherwise 0
linear: 1 - t/L for t less than L, otherwise 0
exponential: exp( - t/L * log(2) )
weibull: exp( -(t/L)^k * log(2) )
hill: 1 / (1 + (t/L)^k)
smooth-compact: exp( k - k / (1 - (t/L)^2) ) for t less than L, otherwise 0
Units: Years Min: 0
Scale parameter of distribution. With the smooth-compact (smooth function with compact support), step and linear functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to 0; with the other three functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to half its original value. Not used for constant decay (though must be specified anyway).
Units: none Min: 0 Default value: 1.0
Shape parameter of distribution. If not specified, default value of 1 is used. Meaning depends on function; not used in some cases.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
Note that with m=0, the median of the variable and the median value of L is unchanged, and thus the time at which the median decay amongst the population of decaying objects reaches half (assuming exponential, Weibull or Hill decay) is L. With m=-½σ² (negative half sigma squared) the mean of the variable will be 1 and mean of the half-life L, but the time at which mean decay of the population has reached half may not be L.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → anophelesParams
[ propActive=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1
| | <deterrency ... />
| | <twoStageDeterrency ... />
| <preprandialKillingEffect ... />
| <postprandialKillingEffect ... />
Name of the affected anopheles-mosquito species.
Units: dimensionless Min: 0 Max: 1 Default value: 1
The proportion of bites, when nets are in use, for which the net has any action whatsoever on the mosquito.
At the moment this is constant across humans and deterministic: relative attractiveness and survival factors are base*(1-usagepropActing) + intervention_factorusage*propActing.
See also "usage" (proportion of time nets are used by humans).
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → anophelesParams → deterrency
Effect of net on attractiveness of humans to mosquitoes relative to an unprotected adult human. Parameterisations should take into account that mosquitoes do not always bite indoors.
Attractiveness of the human is multiplied by exp(log(H)×h + log(P)×p + log(I)×h×p where H, P and I are the hole, insecticide and interaction factors respectively, h=exp(-holeIndex×holeScalingFactor) and p=1−exp(-insecticideContent×insecticideScalingFactor).
Units: none Max: 1
Value expected to be at least 0. Negative values are not necessarily invalid, but allow nets to increase transmission.
Units: none Max: 1
holeFactor + insecticideFactor + interactionFactor must not be greater than 1, and is expected to be at least 0. A negative value is not necessarily invalid, but allows nets to increase transmission.
Units: none Min: 0
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → anophelesParams → twoStageDeterrency
| <entering ... />
| <attacking ... />
Effect of net on attractiveness of humans to mosquitoes relative to an unprotected adult human. Parameterisations should take into account that mosquitoes do not always bite indoors.
This deterrency model multiplies human attractiveness by pEnt×pAtt divided by a base factor to normalise the output to 1 when there are no nets.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → anophelesParams → twoStageDeterrency → entering
pEnt represents the relative probability of entering due to ITNs: pEnt = exp(log(P)×p) where P is the insecticide factor and p=1−exp(-insecticideContent×insecticideScalingFactor).
Units: none Max: 1
Value expected to be at least 0. Negative values are not necessarily invalid, but allow nets to increase transmission.
Units: none Min: 0
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → anophelesParams → twoStageDeterrency → attacking
pAtt represents the relative probability of attacking a human after entering a house due to ITNs (i.e. of feeding/dying vs. flying off): pAtt = B + H×h + P×p + I×h×p where B is the base (without net) probability; H, P and I are the hole, insecticide and interaction factors respectively, h=exp(-holeIndex×holeScalingFactor) and p=1−exp(-insecticideContent×insecticideScalingFactor).
Units: dimensionless
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → anophelesParams → preprandialKillingEffect
Effect of net on survival mosquitoes as they seek to bite a human after choosing that human, relative to the same person not sleeping under a net. Parameterisations should take into account that mosquitoes do not always bite indoors.
Killing proportion is calculated as K = B + H×h + P×p + I×h×p where B is the base (without net) probability of death, H, P and I are the hole, insecticide and interaction factors respectively, h=exp(-holeIndex×holeScalingFactor) and p=1−exp(-insecticideContent×insecticideScalingFactor).
Survival of mosquitoes is adjusted via multiplication by (1−K) / (1−B). To keep this in the range [0,1], we require that B+H ≤ 1, B+P ≤ 1, B+H+P+I ≤ 1, H ≥ 0, P ≥ 0 and H+P+I ≥ 0.
Units: dimensionless
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → ITN → anophelesParams → postprandialKillingEffect
Effect of net on survival mosquitoes as they seek to escape from a human host and rest after a blood meal, relative to the same person not sleeping under a net. Parameterisations should take into account that mosquitoes do not always bite indoors.
Killing proportion is calculated as K = B + H×h + P×p + I×h×p where B is the base (without net) probability of death, H, P and I are the hole, insecticide and interaction factors respectively, h=exp(-holeIndex×holeScalingFactor) and p=1−exp(-insecticideContent×insecticideScalingFactor).
Survival of mosquitoes is adjusted via multiplication by (1−K) / (1−B). To keep this in the range [0,1], we require that B+H ≤ 1, B+P ≤ 1, B+H+P+I ≤ 1, H ≥ 0, P ≥ 0 and H+P+I ≥ 0.
Units: dimensionless
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → IRS
| <initialInsecticide ... />
| <insecticideDecay ... />
| ( <anophelesParams ... /> )+
Description of indoor residual spraying interventions.
Description of effect for the more complex and probably more realistic Briet model: IRS has three effects, whos strength is calculated as a function of surviving insecticide content.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → IRS → initialInsecticide
The insecticide concentration of IRS (at time of spraying) is Gaussian distributed with mean "mu" and a standard deviation "sigma". The standard deviation should be small relative to the mean to avoid negative initial concentration. Any negative values sampled are set to 0.
Parameters of a normal distribution.
Variates are sampled as: X ~ N( mu, sigma² ).
Units: (same as base units)
The mean of the normal distribution.
Units: (same as base units)
The standard deviation of variates.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → IRS → insecticideDecay
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
[ k=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1.0
[ mu=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
[ sigma=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
Decay curve for insecticide content of IRS. Documentation: see DecayFunction type or http://code.google.com/p/openmalaria/wiki/ModelDecayFunctions
Specification of decay or survival of a parameter.
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
Units: None Min: 0 Max: 1
Determines which decay function to use. Available decay functions, for age t in years:
constant: 1
step: 1 for t less than L, otherwise 0
linear: 1 - t/L for t less than L, otherwise 0
exponential: exp( - t/L * log(2) )
weibull: exp( -(t/L)^k * log(2) )
hill: 1 / (1 + (t/L)^k)
smooth-compact: exp( k - k / (1 - (t/L)^2) ) for t less than L, otherwise 0
Units: Years Min: 0
Scale parameter of distribution. With the smooth-compact (smooth function with compact support), step and linear functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to 0; with the other three functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to half its original value. Not used for constant decay (though must be specified anyway).
Units: none Min: 0 Default value: 1.0
Shape parameter of distribution. If not specified, default value of 1 is used. Meaning depends on function; not used in some cases.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
Note that with m=0, the median of the variable and the median value of L is unchanged, and thus the time at which the median decay amongst the population of decaying objects reaches half (assuming exponential, Weibull or Hill decay) is L. With m=-½σ² (negative half sigma squared) the mean of the variable will be 1 and mean of the half-life L, but the time at which mean decay of the population has reached half may not be L.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → IRS → anophelesParams
[ propActive=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1
| <deterrency ... />
| <preprandialKillingEffect ... />
| <postprandialKillingEffect ... />
Name of the affected anopheles-mosquito species.
Units: dimensionless Min: 0 Max: 1 Default value: 1
The proportion of bites for which the IRS has any action whatsoever on the mosquito.
At the moment this is constant across humans and deterministic: relative attractiveness and survival factors are base*(1-propActing) + intervention_factor*propActing.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → IRS → anophelesParams → deterrency
Effect of IRS on attractiveness of humans to mosquitoes relative to an unprotected adult human. Parameterisations should take into account that mosquitoes do not always bite indoors.
Attractiveness of the human is multiplied by exp(P×log(p)) where P is the insecticide factor, p=1−exp(-insecticideContent×insecticideScalingFactor).
Units: none Max: 1
Value expected to be at least 0. Negative values are not necessarily invalid, but allow nets to increase transmission.
Units: none Min: 0
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → IRS → anophelesParams → preprandialKillingEffect
Effect of IRS on survival mosquitoes as they seek to bite a human after choosing that human, relative to the same person not protected by IRS. Parameterisations should take into account that mosquitoes do not always bite indoors. This parameter has been added since some data shows IRS to have a preprandial killing effect.
Killing proportion is calculated as K = B + P×p where B is the base (without protection) probability of death, and P is the insecticide factor, p=1−exp(-insecticideContent×insecticideScalingFactor).
Survival of mosquitoes is adjusted via multiplication by (1−K) / (1−B). To keep this in the range [0,1], we require that B+P ≤ 1 and P ≥ 0.
Units: dimensionless
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → IRS → anophelesParams → postprandialKillingEffect
Effect of IRS on survival mosquitoes as they seek to escape from a human host and rest after a blood meal, relative to the same person not protected by IRS. Parameterisations should take into account that mosquitoes do not always bite indoors.
Killing proportion is calculated as K = B + P×p where B is the base (without protection) probability of death, and P is the insecticide factor, p=1−exp(-insecticideContent×insecticideScalingFactor).
Survival of mosquitoes is adjusted via multiplication by (1−K) / (1−B). To keep this in the range [0,1], we require that B+P ≤ 1 and P ≥ 0.
Units: dimensionless
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → GVI
| <decay ... />
| ( <anophelesParams ... /> )+
Low-level description of intervention effects on vectors (i.e. mosquitoes). Can be used to describe simple ITN or IRS interventions (though more complex models are available for these interventions) or other interventions such as mosquito repellant or ivermectin.
Note that all actions of this intervention component will decay according to a single decay function. If independant decay is wanted, a separate component can be used for each action.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → GVI → decay
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
[ k=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1.0
[ mu=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
[ sigma=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
Description of decay of all intervention effects. Documentation: see DecayFunction type or http://code.google.com/p/openmalaria/wiki/ModelDecayFunctions
Specification of decay or survival of a parameter.
function=("constant" or "step" or "linear" or "exponential" or "weibull" or "hill" or "smooth-compact")
Units: None Min: 0 Max: 1
Determines which decay function to use. Available decay functions, for age t in years:
constant: 1
step: 1 for t less than L, otherwise 0
linear: 1 - t/L for t less than L, otherwise 0
exponential: exp( - t/L * log(2) )
weibull: exp( -(t/L)^k * log(2) )
hill: 1 / (1 + (t/L)^k)
smooth-compact: exp( k - k / (1 - (t/L)^2) ) for t less than L, otherwise 0
Units: Years Min: 0
Scale parameter of distribution. With the smooth-compact (smooth function with compact support), step and linear functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to 0; with the other three functions, this is the age at which the parameter has decayed to half its original value. Not used for constant decay (though must be specified anyway).
Units: none Min: 0 Default value: 1.0
Shape parameter of distribution. If not specified, default value of 1 is used. Meaning depends on function; not used in some cases.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
Note that with m=0, the median of the variable and the median value of L is unchanged, and thus the time at which the median decay amongst the population of decaying objects reaches half (assuming exponential, Weibull or Hill decay) is L. With m=-½σ² (negative half sigma squared) the mean of the variable will be 1 and mean of the half-life L, but the time at which mean decay of the population has reached half may not be L.
Min: 0 Default value: 0
If sigma is non-zero, heterogeneity of decay is introduced via a random variable sampled from the log-normal distribution with mu and sigma as specified. Both mu and sigma default to zero when not specified.
The decay rate is multiplied by this variable (effectively, the half-life is divided by it).
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → GVI → anophelesParams
[ propActive=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1
| [ <deterrency ... /> ]
| [ <preprandialKillingEffect ... /> ]
| [ <postprandialKillingEffect ... /> ]
Name of the affected anopheles-mosquito species.
Units: dimensionless Min: 0 Max: 1 Default value: 1
The proportion of bites for which the IRS has any action whatsoever on the mosquito.
At the moment this is constant across humans and deterministic: relative attractiveness and survival factors are base*(1-propActing) + intervention_factor*propActing.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → GVI → anophelesParams → deterrency
Effect of IRS on attractiveness of humans to mosquitoes relative to an unprotected adult human. Parameterisations should take into account that mosquitoes do not always bite indoors.
Attractiveness of the human is multiplied this factor times survival of effect.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → GVI → anophelesParams → preprandialKillingEffect
Effect of IRS on survival mosquitoes as they seek to bite a human after choosing that human, relative to the same person not protected by IRS. Parameterisations should take into account that mosquitoes do not always bite indoors. This parameter has been added since some data shows IRS to have a preprandial killing effect.
Killing proportion is this factor multiplied by survival of effect.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → GVI → anophelesParams → postprandialKillingEffect
Effect of IRS on survival mosquitoes as they seek to escape from a human host and rest after a blood meal, relative to the same person not protected by IRS. Parameterisations should take into account that mosquitoes do not always bite indoors.
Killing proportion is this factor multiplied by survival of effect.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → recruitmentOnly
Recruitment of a host into a sub-population.
All human-targeting intervention deployments recruit simulated humans into a sub-population which can be used for the purposes of cumulative deployment, deployment only to a sub-population and defining a cohort. This pseudo-intervention can be used to define a sub-population without also deploying some intervention.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → clearImmunity
Removes all exposure-related immunitsy gained over time by hosts without removing infections (or affecting the ability to gain immunity through exposure).
Hypothetical, but potentially useful to simulate scenarios with unprotected humans.
→ scenario → interventions → human → component → subPopRemoval
[ onFirstBout=boolean ] DEFAULT VALUE false
[ onFirstTreatment=boolean ] DEFAULT VALUE false
[ onFirstInfection=boolean ] DEFAULT VALUE false
[ afterYears=double ]
Each human intervention component corresponds to a sub-population: those who have received or are considered to be protected by the intervention component. Humans automatically become members of this sub-population when receiving an intervention component; this element controls how humans are removed from the sub-population.
ITN attrition also removes humans from sub-populations.
Note that sub-populations do not directly correspond to an intervention's effects: lack of effectiveness does not imply removal from the sub-population (except as explicitly configured here) and removal from the sub-population does not halt an intervention's effects.
Sub-populations may be used to define a cohort, to restrict deployment of other interventions and to use cumulative deployment mode. A sub- population may or may not correspond (roughly) to humans protected by some intervention.
Default value: false
If true, remove individuals from the sub-population at the start of the first episode (start of a clinical bout) since they were recruited into the sub-population. This is intended for cohort studies which measure time to the first episode, using active case detection.
Reports delayed due to health-system memory are forced out when this occurs. Note that this can increase the number of uncomplicated cases reported across the entire population; for this reason reports are not forced on recruitment or most removal options.
This does not prevent re-recruitment in the case that recruitment settings could conceivably recruit the same individual twice.
Default value: false
If true, remove individuals from the sub-population when they first seektreatment since they were recruited into the sub-population. This is intended for cohort studies which measure the time to first episode, using passive case detection.
Reports delayed due to health-system memory are forced out when this occurs. Note that this can increase the number of uncomplicated cases reported across the entire population; for this reason reports are not forced on recruitment or most removal options.
This does not prevent re-recruitment in the case that recruitment settings could conceivably recruit the same individual twice.
Default value: false
If true, remove individuals from the sub-population at completion of the first survey in which they present with a patent infection since they were recruited into the sub-population. This intended for cohort studies which measure time to the first infection, using active case detection.
Reports delayed due to health-system memory are forced out when this occurs. Note that this can increase the number of uncomplicated cases reported across the entire population; for this reason reports are not forced on recruitment or most removal options.
This does not prevent re-recruitment in the case that recruitment settings could conceivably recruit the same individual twice.
Units: Years Min: 0
If given, membership to the sub-population of humans who have received this intervention component expires after the given number of years. Note that future deployments renew membership (e.g. if this parameter is 4 years and the intervention is redeployed 3 years from now, expiry happens after 7 years).
This provides a crude way of modelling a cohort protected by some intervention. A few interventions provide more detailed ways of modelling expiry of protection. In any case, "expiry of protection" is an abstract concept and does not imply that all protection has ceased, even in the simulator.
This may also be useful for cumulative deployment.
Minimum duration is zero, which implies the human is effectively never a member of the sub-population; a duration of one timestep implies the human is a member of the sub-population while any futher interventions are deployed on the same time as this human becomes a member and on the next update of the human (including transmission and health system events) but not beyond that. If this attribute is not given, the simulated human is a member until death or some other option triggers removal.
→ scenario → interventions → human → deployment
[ name=string ]
| ( <component ... /> )+
| ( <continuous ... /> )*
| ( <timed ... /> )*
This element describes deployment of an intervention: which components are deployed, how humans are selected for deployment (via timed or age-based deployment) as well as a few additional restrictions (e.g. vaccine dosing restrictions).
All components deployed by this intervention are deployed to the same people (each timed or continuous deployment selects recipients and then gives each recipient all components of the intervention).
Name of intervention
→ scenario → interventions → human → deployment → component
The list of components deployed to eligible humans.
The identifier (short name) of a component.
→ scenario → interventions → human → deployment → continuous
| [ <restrictToSubPop ... /> ]
| ( <deploy ... /> )+
List of ages at which deployment takes place (through EPI, post-natal and school-based programmes, etc.).
A sub-population restriction may be added as a property of the list of continuous deployments.
→ scenario → interventions → human → deployment → continuous → restrictToSubPop
[ complement=boolean ] DEFAULT VALUE false
If this element is specified, deployment is restricted to some sub-population (specified via the "id" attribute); otherwise the target population is the entire simulated population. Either way, other deployment restrictions (age, time, number of vaccine doeses) still apply.
The identifier (short name) of the sub-population (i.e. the "id" of some intervention component). Also see the "complement" attribute.
Default value: false
If this is not specified or is false, deployment is restricted to the sub-population of people protected by the intervention component who's id is given. If complement is set to true, deployment is instead restricted to the complement of that sub-population, i.e. to those
→ scenario → interventions → human → deployment → continuous → deploy
[ begin=int ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
[ end=int ] DEFAULT VALUE 2147483647
Units: Years Min: 0 Max: 100
Target age of intervention
Units: Timesteps Min: 0 Max: 2147483647 Default value: 0
First timestep (from 0 at the beginning of the intervention period) this item is active. Defaults to 0.
Units: Timesteps Min: 0 Max: 2147483647 Default value: 2147483647
End of the period during which the intervention is active (to be exact, the first timestep of the intervention period at which the item becomes inactive). Defaults to 2147483647.
→ scenario → interventions → human → deployment → timed
| [ <restrictToSubPop ... /> ]
| [ <cumulativeCoverage ... /> ]
| ( <deploy ... /> )+
List of timed deployments of the intervention (that is, of deployment campaigns).
Cumulative deployment mode can be specified for all deployments in a timed list. To allow multiple cumulative deployment descriptions, the entire timed list may be repeated.
→ scenario → interventions → human → deployment → timed → restrictToSubPop
[ complement=boolean ] DEFAULT VALUE false
If this element is specified, deployment is restricted to some sub-population (specified via the "id" attribute); otherwise the target population is the entire simulated population. Either way, other deployment restrictions (age, time, number of vaccine doeses) still apply.
The identifier (short name) of the sub-population (i.e. the "id" of some intervention component). Also see the "complement" attribute.
Default value: false
If this is not specified or is false, deployment is restricted to the sub-population of people protected by the intervention component who's id is given. If complement is set to true, deployment is instead restricted to the complement of that sub-population, i.e. to those
→ scenario → interventions → human → deployment → timed → cumulativeCoverage
If this element is not specified, standard deployment occurs, where a portion of the population as given by the coverage property of this campaign is selected, and interventions are deployed to all of these people (regardless of previous coverage).
If this attribute is specified, instead, the population is divided into two sets: those who are a member of a certain sub-population and those who are not (see "subPopRemoval" element). If the proportion of people in the first set is less than the desired coverage, then the proportion of people from the second set needed to increase total coverage to the desired coverage is calculated. This proportion is then used as the probablity of selection from the second set into a third set of people who then receive all interventions deployed by this campaign.
Note that selection is stochastic so the final coverage level may not be exactly that desired. Note also that the component used when selecting people need not actually be one of the components deployed by this intervention, although that is the intended use case.
The identifier (short name) of the component used when selecting people.
→ scenario → interventions → human → deployment → timed → deploy
[ maxAge=double ]
[ minAge=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 0
Units: time-steps Min: 0
Time-step at which this intervention occurs, starting from 0, the first intervention-period time-step.
Units: Years Min: 0
Maximum age of eligible individuals (defaults to no limit)
Units: Years Min: 0 Default value: 0
Minimum age of eligible individuals (defaults to 0)
→ scenario → healthSystem
| | <EventScheduler ... />
| | <ImmediateOutcomes ... />
| <CFR ... />
| <pSequelaeInpatient ... />
Description of health system.
Description of case management system, used to specify the initial model or a replacement (an intervention). Encompasses case management data and some other data required to derive case outcomes.
Contains a sub-element describing the particular health-system in use. Health system data is here defined as data used to decide on a treatment strategy, given a case requiring treatment.
→ scenario → entomology
mode=("forced" or "dynamic")
[ scaledAnnualEIR=double ]
| | <nonVector ... />
| | <vector ... />
Description of entomological data
Name of entomology data
mode=("forced" or "dynamic")
Transmission simulation mode: may be forced (in which case interventions and changes to human infectiousness cannot affect EIR) or dynamic (in which the above can affect EIR). The full vector model is only used in dynamic mode. This can not be changed by interventions, except for the changeEIR intervention for the non-vector model which replaces the EIR with a new description (used in forced mode).
Units: Infectious bites per adult per year
If set, the annual EIR (for all species of vector) is scaled to this level; can be omitted if not needed.
→ scenario → entomology → nonVector
| ( <EIRDaily ... /> )+
Description of transmission setting for models without vector control interventions (included for backward compatibility)
Units: Days
The duration of sporogony in days
→ scenario → entomology → vector
| ( <anopheles ... /> )+
| ( <nonHumanHosts ... /> )*
Parameters of the transmission model
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles
| <seasonality ... />
| <mosq ... />
| [ <lifeCycle ... /> ]
| [ <simpleMPD ... /> ]
| ( <nonHumanHosts ... /> )*
Description of input EIR for one specific vector species in terms of a Fourier approximation to the ln of the EIR during the burn in period
Identifier for this anopheles species
Units: Proportion Min: 0 Max: 1
Initial guess of the proportion of mosquitoes which are infected, o: O_v(t) = o*N_v(t). Only used as a starting value.
Units: Proportion Min: 0 Max: 1
Initial estimate of the proportion of mosquitoes which are infectious, s: S_v(t) = s*N_v(t). Used as a starting value and then fit.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → seasonality
[ annualEIR=double ]
| | <fourierSeries ... />
| | <monthlyValues ... />
| | <dailyValues ... />
Specifies the seasonality of transmission and optionally the level of annual transmission.
Specify what seasonality measure is given.
At the moment, only EIR is supported, but in the future, all the below should be supported.
EIR: seasonality of entomological inoculations is input. Units: entomological inoculations per adult per annum.
hostSeeking: seasonality of densities of flying host-seeking mosquitoes is input (in the model this is notated N_v). Units: mosquitoes.
emergence: seasonality of emergence pupa into adults. Units: mosquitoes.
larvalResources: seasonality of larval resources. Units: X.
Units: Inoculations per adult per annum Min: 0
If this attribute is included, EIR for this species is scaled to this level. Note that if the scaledAnnualEIR attribute of the entomology element is also used, EIR is scaled again, making this attribute the EIR relative to other species.
With some seasonality inputs, this attribute is optional, in which case (if scaledAnnualEIR is also not specified) transmission depends on all parameters of the vector. With some seasonality inputs, however, this parameter must be specified.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → seasonality → fourierSeries
| ( <coeffic ... /> )*
Seasonality is reproduced from the exponential of a fourier series specified by the following coefficients. Note that the a0 term is not needed; the annualEIR attribute of the seasonality element should be used to scale EIR instead.
Units: Radians
Rotation angle defining the origin of the Fourier approximation to ln (EIR)
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → seasonality → fourierSeries → coeffic
A pair of Fourier series coefficients. The first element specifies a1 and b1, the second a2 and b2, etc. Any number (from 0 up) of pairs may be given.
a_n parameter of Fourier approximation to ln(EIR) for some natural number n.
b_n parameter of Fourier approximation to ln(EIR) for some natural number n.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → seasonality → monthlyValues
smoothing=("none" or "fourier")
| ( <value ... /> ){12,12}
Description of seasonality from monthly values. Multiple smoothing methods are possible (see smoothing attribute).
List should contain twelve entries: January to December.
smoothing=("none" or "fourier")
How the monthly values are converted into a daily sequence of values:
none: no smoothing (step function)
Fourier: a Fourier series (with terms up to a2/b2) is fit to the sequence of monthly values and used to generate a smoothed list of daily values.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → seasonality → monthlyValues → value
Monthly value
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → seasonality → dailyValues
| ( <value ... /> ){365,365}
Description of seasonality from daily values.
List should contain 365 entries: 1st January to 31st December.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → seasonality → dailyValues → value
Daily value
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq
| <mosqRestDuration ... />
| <extrinsicIncubationPeriod ... />
| <mosqLaidEggsSameDayProportion ... />
| <mosqSeekingDuration ... />
| <mosqSurvivalFeedingCycleProbability ... />
| <availabilityVariance ... />
| <mosqProbBiting ... />
| <mosqProbFindRestSite ... />
| <mosqProbResting ... />
| <mosqProbOvipositing ... />
| <mosqHumanBloodIndex ... />
- mosqRestDuration
- extrinsicIncubationPeriod
- mosqLaidEggsSameDayProportion
- mosqSeekingDuration
- mosqSurvivalFeedingCycleProbability
- availabilityVariance
- mosqProbBiting
- mosqProbFindRestSite
- mosqProbResting
- mosqProbOvipositing
- mosqHumanBloodIndex
Parameters describing the feeding cycle and human mosquito interaction of a single species of anopheles mosquito.
Min: 0
If less than this many mosquitoes remain infected, transmission is interrupted.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → mosqRestDuration
name:Duration of the resting period of the vector (days);
An integer value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → extrinsicIncubationPeriod
name:Extrinsic incubation period (days)
An integer value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → mosqLaidEggsSameDayProportion
Proportion of mosquitoes host seeking on same day as ovipositing
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → mosqSeekingDuration
Duration of the host-seeking period of the vector (days)
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → mosqSurvivalFeedingCycleProbability
Probability that the mosquito survives the feeding cycle
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → availabilityVariance
Variance in availability rate of humans to mosquitoes. The mean rate is calculated based on other parameters.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → mosqProbBiting
Probability that the mosquito succesfully bites chosen host
Parameters of a normal distribution, provided as mean and variance.
Variates are sampled from Be(α,β) where α and β are determined from the mean and variance as follows: let v be the variance and c=mean/(1-mean). Then we set α=cβ and β=((c+1)²v - c)/((c+1)³v).
Units: none
The mean of the beta distribution (must be in the open range (0,1)).
Units: none
The standard deviation of variates.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → mosqProbFindRestSite
Probability that the mosquito escapes host and finds a resting place after biting
Parameters of a normal distribution, provided as mean and variance.
Variates are sampled from Be(α,β) where α and β are determined from the mean and variance as follows: let v be the variance and c=mean/(1-mean). Then we set α=cβ and β=((c+1)²v - c)/((c+1)³v).
Units: none
The mean of the beta distribution (must be in the open range (0,1)).
Units: none
The standard deviation of variates.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → mosqProbResting
Probability of mosquito successfully resting after finding a resting site
Parameters of a normal distribution, provided as mean and variance.
Variates are sampled from Be(α,β) where α and β are determined from the mean and variance as follows: let v be the variance and c=mean/(1-mean). Then we set α=cβ and β=((c+1)²v - c)/((c+1)³v).
Units: none
The mean of the beta distribution (must be in the open range (0,1)).
Units: none
The standard deviation of variates.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → mosqProbOvipositing
Probability of a mosquito successfully laying eggs given that it has rested
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → mosq → mosqHumanBloodIndex
The proportion of resting mosquitoes which fed on human blood during the last feed.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → lifeCycle
[ estimatedLarvalResources=double ] DEFAULT VALUE 1e8
| <eggStage ... />
| <larvalStage ... />
| <pupalStage ... />
| <femaleEggsLaidByOviposit ... />
Parameters describing the life-cycle of this species of mosquito
Units: X Default value: 1e8
An estimate of mean annual availability of resources to larvae. Used to get the resource usage fitting algorithm going; if the algorithm fails to fit the resource availability then tweaking this parameter may help. In other cases tweaking this parameter shouldn't be necessary.
Default value is 10⁸ (1e8). Units are arbitrary but must be the same as those used by the resourceUsage parameter.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → lifeCycle → eggStage
Parameters for the egg stage of development
Parameters associated with a mosquito development stage.
Units: Days
Duration of the stage (i.e. length of time mosquito is an egg/larva/pupa).
Units: Proportion
Probability that mosquito survives this size (probability of egg hatching, a larva becoming a pupa or a pupa emerging as an adult, at the start of that stage).
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → lifeCycle → larvalStage
Parameters for the larval stage of development
Parameters associated with a mosquito development stage.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → lifeCycle → larvalStage → daily
List of parameters which apply during the larval stage of development. List length must equal stage duration, with first item corresponding to first 24 hours after hatching, second item to hours 24-48, and so on.
Units: X
Resource usage during larval stage of development. Units are arbitrary.
Units: none
Effect of competition over resources on development.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → lifeCycle → pupalStage
Parameters for the pupal stage of development
Parameters associated with a mosquito development stage.
Units: Days
Duration of the stage (i.e. length of time mosquito is an egg/larva/pupa).
Units: Proportion
Probability that mosquito survives this size (probability of egg hatching, a larva becoming a pupa or a pupa emerging as an adult, at the start of that stage).
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → lifeCycle → femaleEggsLaidByOviposit
The total number of female eggs laid by a female mosquito at the conclusion to a feeding cycle.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → simpleMPD
| <developmentDuration ... />
| <developmentSurvival ... />
| <femaleEggsLaidByOviposit ... />
Parameters describing the simple mosquito population dynamics model.
This is a simpler version of the life-cycle model, requiring less parameters and with much simpler initialisation.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → simpleMPD → developmentDuration
Duration from egg laying to emergence in days.
An integer value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → simpleMPD → developmentSurvival
Probability that mosquito survives from the egg being laid to emergence, given no resouce limitations (no density constraints).
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → simpleMPD → femaleEggsLaidByOviposit
The total number of female eggs laid by a female mosquito at the conclusion to a feeding cycle.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → nonHumanHosts
| <mosqRelativeEntoAvailability ... />
| <mosqProbBiting ... />
| <mosqProbFindRestSite ... />
| <mosqProbResting ... />
Non human host parameters, per type of host (must match up with non-species-specific parameters).
Identifier for this category of non-human hosts
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → nonHumanHosts → mosqRelativeEntoAvailability
Relative availability of non-human hosts of type i to other non-human hosts; the sum of this across all non-human hosts must be 1.
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → nonHumanHosts → mosqProbBiting
Probability of mosquito successfully biting host
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → nonHumanHosts → mosqProbFindRestSite
Probability that the mosquito escapes host and finds a resting place after biting
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → anopheles → nonHumanHosts → mosqProbResting
Probability of mosquito successfully resting after finding a resting site
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → entomology → vector → nonHumanHosts
Name of this species of non human hosts (must match up with those described per anopheles section).
Units: Number
Population size of this non-human host.
→ scenario → pharmacology
| ( <drug ... /> )+
Drug model parameters
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug
| <PD ... />
| <PK ... />
Sequence of drug descriptions forming a library of drug parameters.
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug → PD
| ( <allele ... /> )+
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug → PD → allele
| <initial_frequency ... />
| <max_killing_rate ... />
| <IC50 ... />
| <slope ... />
PD parameters per allele, plus initial frequency of each allele.
Note: we assume a one-to-one correspondance of drugs to loci, hence each drug has an independent set of alleles here.
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug → PD → allele → initial_frequency
Frequency, relative to the total frequency of all alleles for this drug/locus.
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug → PD → allele → max_killing_rate
k1 — Maximal parasite killing rate.
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug → PD → allele → IC50
Half maximal effect concentration.
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug → PD → allele → slope
n — Slope of the concentration effect curve
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug → PK
| <negligible_concentration ... />
| <half_life ... />
| <vol_dist ... />
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug → PK → negligible_concentration
Concentration below which drug's effects are deemed negligible and can be removed from simulation.
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug → PK → half_life
Used to calculate elimination rate (which is: ln(2) / half_life).
→ scenario → pharmacology → drug → PK → vol_dist
Volume of Distribution
| <ModelOptions ... />
| <clinical ... />
| <human ... />
| [ <vivax ... /> ]
| <parameters ... />
Encapsulation of all parameters which describe the model according to which fitting is done.
→ scenario → model → ModelOptions
| ( <option ... /> )*
All model options (bug fixes, choices between models, etc.).
The list of recognised options can be found in the code at:
include/util/ModelOptions.h and should also be in the wiki.
| [ <NonMalariaFevers ... /> ]
Description of clinical parameters that are related to the health-system description, but which contain data that cannot be changed as part of an intervention and that are not restricted to treatment.
Units: Time steps Min: 1 Max: 100
Follow-up period during which a recurrence is considered to be a treatment failure
→ scenario → model → clinical → NonMalariaFevers
| <incidence ... />
| [ <prNeedTreatmentNMF ... /> ]
| [ <prNeedTreatmentMF ... /> ]
Description of the incidence of non-malaria fever. Non-malaria fevers are only modelled if the NON_MALARIA_FEVERS option is used.
→ scenario → model → clinical → NonMalariaFevers → incidence
[ interpolation=("none" or "linear") ]
| ( <group ... /> )+
Probability that a non-malaria fever occurs given that no concurrent malaria fever occurs.
interpolation=("none" or "linear")
Interpolation algorithm. Normally it is desirable for age-based values to be continuous w.r.t. age. By default linear interpolation is used.
With all algorithms except "none", the age groups are converted to a set of points centred within each age range. Extra points are added at each end (zero and infinity) to keep value constant at both ends of the function. A zero-length age group may be used as a kind of barrier to adjust the distribution; e.g. with age group boundaries at 15, 20 and 25 years, a (linear) spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 22.5, whereas with boundaries at 15, 20 and 20 years, a spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 20 years (may be desired if individuals are assumed to reach adult size at 20).
- none: input values are used directly
- linear: straight lines (on an age vs. value graph) are used to interpolate data points.
→ scenario → model → clinical → NonMalariaFevers → prNeedTreatmentNMF
[ interpolation=("none" or "linear") ]
| ( <group ... /> )+
Probability that a non-malarial fever requires treatment with antibiotics (assuming fever is not induced by malaria, although concurrent parasites may be present).
interpolation=("none" or "linear")
Interpolation algorithm. Normally it is desirable for age-based values to be continuous w.r.t. age. By default linear interpolation is used.
With all algorithms except "none", the age groups are converted to a set of points centred within each age range. Extra points are added at each end (zero and infinity) to keep value constant at both ends of the function. A zero-length age group may be used as a kind of barrier to adjust the distribution; e.g. with age group boundaries at 15, 20 and 25 years, a (linear) spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 22.5, whereas with boundaries at 15, 20 and 20 years, a spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 20 years (may be desired if individuals are assumed to reach adult size at 20).
- none: input values are used directly
- linear: straight lines (on an age vs. value graph) are used to interpolate data points.
→ scenario → model → clinical → NonMalariaFevers → prNeedTreatmentMF
[ interpolation=("none" or "linear") ]
| ( <group ... /> )+
Probability that a malaria fever needs treatment with antibiotics (assuming fever is induced by malaria, although concurrent bacteria may be present).
Meaning partially overlaps with separate model for comorbidity given malaria.
interpolation=("none" or "linear")
Interpolation algorithm. Normally it is desirable for age-based values to be continuous w.r.t. age. By default linear interpolation is used.
With all algorithms except "none", the age groups are converted to a set of points centred within each age range. Extra points are added at each end (zero and infinity) to keep value constant at both ends of the function. A zero-length age group may be used as a kind of barrier to adjust the distribution; e.g. with age group boundaries at 15, 20 and 25 years, a (linear) spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 22.5, whereas with boundaries at 15, 20 and 20 years, a spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 20 years (may be desired if individuals are assumed to reach adult size at 20).
- none: input values are used directly
- linear: straight lines (on an age vs. value graph) are used to interpolate data points.
| <availabilityToMosquitoes ... />
| [ <weight ... /> ]
Parameters of host models.
→ scenario → model → human → availabilityToMosquitoes
[ interpolation=("none" or "linear") ]
| ( <group ... /> )+
Availability of humans to mosquitoes relative to an adult, categorized by age group
interpolation=("none" or "linear")
Interpolation algorithm. Normally it is desirable for age-based values to be continuous w.r.t. age. By default linear interpolation is used.
With all algorithms except "none", the age groups are converted to a set of points centred within each age range. Extra points are added at each end (zero and infinity) to keep value constant at both ends of the function. A zero-length age group may be used as a kind of barrier to adjust the distribution; e.g. with age group boundaries at 15, 20 and 25 years, a (linear) spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 22.5, whereas with boundaries at 15, 20 and 20 years, a spline would be drawn between ages 17.5 and 20 years (may be desired if individuals are assumed to reach adult size at 20).
- none: input values are used directly
- linear: straight lines (on an age vs. value graph) are used to interpolate data points.
→ scenario → model → human → weight
| ( <group ... /> )+
By age group data on human weight (mass).
Units: None Min: 0
Each human is assigned a weight multiplier from a normal distribution with mean 1 and this standard deviation at birth. His/her weight is this multiplier times the mean from age distribution. A standard deviation of zero for no heterogeneity is valid; a rough value from Tanzanian data is 0.14.
| <probBloodStageInfectiousToMosq ... />
| <numberHypnozoites ... />
| <hypnozoiteReleaseDelayDays ... />
| <bloodStageProtectionLatency ... />
| <bloodStageLengthDays ... />
| <pEventPrimary ... />
| <pEventSecondary ... />
| <pEventIsSevere ... />
- probBloodStageInfectiousToMosq
- numberHypnozoites
- hypnozoiteReleaseDelayDays
- bloodStageProtectionLatency
- bloodStageLengthDays
- pEventPrimary
- pEventSecondary
- pEventIsSevere
→ scenario → model → vivax → probBloodStageInfectiousToMosq
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → model → vivax → numberHypnozoites
→ scenario → model → vivax → hypnozoiteReleaseDelayDays
→ scenario → model → vivax → bloodStageProtectionLatency
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → model → vivax → bloodStageLengthDays
→ scenario → model → vivax → pEventPrimary
→ scenario → model → vivax → pEventSecondary
→ scenario → model → vivax → pEventIsSevere
A double-precision floating-point value.
→ scenario → model → parameters
| ( <parameter ... /> )+
Parameters of the epidemiological model
Units: Days
Simulation step
Units: Number
Seed for RNG
Units: Time steps Min: 0 Max: 20
pre-erythrocytic latent period, in time steps
→ scenario → model → parameters → parameter
Units: string
Name of parameter
Units: Number Min: 1 Max: 100
Reference number of input parameter
Units: Number Min: 0
Parameter value
Units: Number Min: 0 Max: 1
True if parameter is to be sampled in optimization runs. Not used in simulator app.