This purpose of this repository is to collect and distribute more graph datasets from a variety of sources.
For each graph dataset, we'll have a brief description, along with code to generate that data from the primary source. For the moment, we ask you to please cite
title = "More graph datasets",
author = "David F. Gleich and Charles Colley and Omar Eldaghar and Meng Liu and Huda Nassar and Haoteng Yin",
howpublished = "Github: dgleich/more-graphs",
year = {2019},
note = "Accessed on",
- SuiteSparse Matrix Collection:
- Colorado Index of Complex Networks:
- Koblenz Network Collection:
- Stanford Network Analysis Project:
The graph and network data is distributed as an SMAT file. The format of the file is:
File: Header Body Header: num_nodes:Int num_nodes:Int num_edges:Int Body: Edge*num_edges Edge: source_id:Int dest_id:Int weight:Double
Undirected edges are listed twice, i.e. both (src,dst) and (dst,src) edges exist.
The node and edge ids run from 0 to num_nodes-1
The following lines describe a 3-node clique in SMAT.
3 3 6
0 1 1
0 2 1
1 2 1
1 0 1
2 0 1
2 1 1
Various other data are stored as bipartite or weighted graphs. Here is an example:
3 4 6
0 0 1.5
1 1 0.5
2 2 1
0 1 0.5
0 4 1
2 1 0.5
The Python code takes in a filename, and returns a list of lists representation of the graph.
def read_smat(filename, set_undirected = True):
""" Load an SMAT file into a list-of-lists graph representation. """
f = open(filename, 'rU')
hdr = f.readline()
parts = hdr.split()
nverts = int(parts[0])
ncols = int(parts[1])
nedges = int(parts[2])
nremedges = nedges # number of remaining edges
if nverts != ncols:
raise ValueError(
'read_smat line 1: requires nrows (%i) = ncols (%i) for graph'%(
nverts, ncols))
graph = [ [] for _ in xrange(nverts) ]
for lineno, line in enumerate(f):
parts = line.split()
if len(parts) == 0: continue
if nremedges==0:
raise ValueError(
'read_smat line %i: more than %i edges found'%(
lineno+2, nedges))
src = int(parts[0])
dst = int(parts[1])
if src < 0 or src >= nverts or dst < 0 or dst >= nverts:
raise ValueError(
'read_smat line %i: out-of-range edge (%i,%i) found (nverts=%i)'%(
lineno+2, src, dst, nverts))
nremedges -= 1
return graph
The following matlab code reads an SMAT file to a Matlab sparse matrix.
function A = readSMAT(filename)
% READSMAT Load a graph into a Matlab sparse matrix
% A = readSMAT(filename) where
% filename is the name of the SMAT file and
% A is the MATLAB sparse matrix
if ~exist(filename,'file')
error('readSMAT:fileNotFound', 'Unable to read file %s', filename);
s = load(filename,'-ascii');
m = s(1,1);
n = s(1,2);
ind_i = s(2:length(s),1)+1;
ind_j = s(2:length(s),2)+1;
val = s(2:length(s),3);
clear s;
A = sparse(ind_i,ind_j,val, m, n);