Vidom is just a library to build UI. It's highly inspired from React and based on the same ideas. Its main goal is to provide as fast as possible lightweight implementation with API similar to React. According to the corresponding benchmarks Vidom is 6x faster in Chrome, 5x faster in Firefox, 2x faster in IE and up to 12x faster in server-side rendering than React.
- Fast virtual DOM builder and patcher under the hood
- Fast server-side rendering with ability to reuse existing DOM in the browsers also known as isomorphism.
- Easy and clear way to subscribe to DOM Events
- API to build your own high-level components
- Namespaces support (e.g., SVG, MathML)
- Ability to render multiple components without unwanted DOM wrappers
- No extra markup in the result HTML
- JSX support via babel plugin
- TypeScript support
- Small footprint, 9KB after gzip
- Zero dependencies
- repaint rate challenge
- vdom-benchmark
- uibench
- server-side rendering (nodejs 6.10.1)
mean time ops/sec
vidom v0.9.0 0.657ms 1522
inferno v1.5.6 1.154ms 867
preact v7.2.1 2.231ms 448
react.with-hack v15.4.2 6.782ms 147
vue v2.2.6 10.950ms 91
react v15.4.2 13.808ms 72
Try live playground to play with Vidom in your browser.
- Getting started
- Tutorial
- Top-level API
- TagNode API
- FragmentNode API
- ComponentNode API
- FunctionComponentNode API
- DOM Events API
- Component properties
- Component lifecycle
- Component methods
- Function component
- Isomorphism
- Changelog
- Vidom inspector developer tool which helps debug vidom-based applications
- vidom-css-animation-group API for "appearance", "entering" and "leaving" animation via CSS transitions and animation
- vidom-ui Set of basic UI components
- vidom-redux Redux bindings
- cdnjs for library is avalaible on CDN.