SMAUG CGM working group analysis repo
Included is a basic python script that uses yt to analyze the Fielding+17 CGM simulations. It should be fairly straightforward to adapt this script to work for other yt-compatible simulations.
In spherical annuli with of widths dr = 0.1 r200m ranging between 0 and 2 r200m measure the mass and volume weighted pressure-entropy and density-temperature phase distributions.
P/kb [K cm-3] = 10-2 to 105
K [K cm2] = 104 to 1010.5
T [K] = 103 to 108
n [cm-3] = 10-7 to 10-1
bin widths = 0.1 dex
note that n = ρ / (μ mp), where μ≈0.62 for a fully ionized enriched plasma.
Measure the mass and volume weighted radial distributions (2d-histogram) of temperature, density, and radial velocity between 0 and 2 r200m.
T [K] = 103 to 108
n [cm-3] = 10-7 to 10-1
vr [km/s] = -500 to 1000
bin widths = 0.1 dex for T and n, and 10 km/s for vr\
The radial bins will likely be resolution/simulation dependent, but a good starting point to try is:
r/r200m = log10 0.02 to log10 2
with 200 logarithmically spaced bins, corresponding to ∆log10 r/r200m = 0.01
We are going to use .npz
files for our data storage (basic usage information). Please save the mass-weighted quantities in units of Solar Masses and the volume-weighted quantities in units of kpc3.
It is probably easiest to store all of the analysis products for each simulation output in a single .npz
file. This can be done as follows:
r_r200m_phase = my_1D_array_containing_radial_bins_divided_by_r200m_used_for_phase_diagrams,
r_r200m_profile = my_1D_array_containing_radial_bins_divided_by_r200m_used_for_radial_profiles,
temperature_bins = my_temperature_bin_1D_array,
pressure_bins = my_pressure_bin_1D_array,
entropy_bins = my_entropy_bin_1D_array,
number_density_bins = my_number_density_bin_1D_array,
radial_velocity_bins = my_radial_velocity_bin_1D_array,
pressure_entropy_Volume = my_Phase_distribution_in_each_radial_bin_3D_array,
pressure_entropy_Mass = my_Phase_distribution_in_each_radial_bin_3D_array,
density_temperature_Volume = my_Phase_distribution_in_each_radial_bin_3D_array,
density_temperature_Mass = my_Phase_distribution_in_each_radial_bin_3D_array,
temperature_Volume = my_radial_distribution_2D_array,
temperature_Mass = my_radial_distribution_2D_array,
number_density_Volume = my_radial_distribution_2D_array,
number_density_Mass = my_radial_distribution_2D_array,
radial_velocity_Volume = my_radial_distribution_2D_array,
radial_velocity_Mass = my_radial_distribution_2D_array,
Each user should make their my_...
using either the provided script or whatever method they want, but it would be great if we could all use the same units and naming convention for the storage to streamline the process down the line, and if people hate my choices please feel free to comment and we can change them.
Additionally, it would be useful to add any other descriptive information, so in my script I also have:
r200m = 319.,
time = 5,
halo_mass = 1e12,
redshift = 0,
To streamline comparisons we should all plot our results in the same way. I suspect we all use matplotib so that will be our backbone and let's use pcolormesh to make all the plots.
As Miao suggested let's all normalize the colorbars by the total mass or volume and let's use a colorbar range from 10-6 to 1. I propose we use the colormaps viridis and plasma for the mass-weighted and volume-weighted plots, respectively.
For the limits on the state variables and radius we will use the limits on the bins, so temperature goes from 103 to 108 K, and so on.
And, finally, to make our figures look as similar as possible let's all use the same rcparams, which can be set by including the following in the beginning of your script.
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rc('font', family='sansserif', size=10)
matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'in'
matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'in'
matplotlib.rcParams[''] = True
matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.right'] = True
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 5,4
- If your simulation has metallicity then it would be great to include it in your analysis!
- Cooling times! Cooling is important, it would be great to understand the differences in cooling in our sims.
- Ion columns!
- Ion density-weighted line-of-sight velocity?