This repository contains a collection of JavaScript projects aimed at practicing and enhancing JavaScript skills. Each project is designed to cover different aspects of JavaScript programming.
- FD Calculator Web: A web application for calculating fixed deposits.
- Password Generator Web: Generate strong and secure passwords.
- Vowel Checker Web: Check if a given character is a vowel.
- Age Calculator Web: Calculate age based on birth date.
- Tip Calculator Web: Calculate tips based on bill amount and tip percentage.
- To-Do List Web Project: Manage and organize tasks with a to-do list.
- Digital Clock Web: Display current time using a digital clock interface.
- Expense Tracker Web: Track expenses and manage budgets.
- Popovver Web: A simple project to detect ASCII and Unicode characters.
- ASCII Unicode Char Detector: Detect ASCII and Unicode characters.
Each project is contained in a separate JavaScript file. You can simply clone the repository and open each JavaScript file in a web browser to see the project in action.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.