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Guide to the Reader

Malte Brunnlieb edited this page Jun 28, 2015 · 13 revisions

Dependent on the intention you are reading this document, you might be most interested in the following chapters:

  • If this is your first contact with CobiGen, you will be interested in the general purpose of CobiGen, in the link:mgmt_license agreement[licensing of CobiGen], as well as in the link:mgmt_shared service[Shared Service] provided for CobiGen. Additionally, there are some general use cases, which are currently implemented and maintained to be used out of the box.

  • As a user of the CobiGen Eclipse integration, you should focus on the Installation and Usage chapters to get a good introduction how to use CobiGen in eclipse.

  • As a user of the Maven integration, you should focus on the Maven configuration chapter, which guides you through the integration if CobiGen into your build configuration.

  • If you like to adapt the configuration of CobiGen, you have to step more deeper into the configuration guide as well as into the plug-in configuration extensions for the Java Plug-in, XML-Plugin, Java Property Plug-in, as well as for the cobigen-textmerger[Text-Merger Plug-in].

  • Finally, if want to develop your own templates, you will be thankful for these pointers in addition to the plug-ins documentation as referenced in the previous point.

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