An alternative AWS command line tool
A tributory of the Amazon. It is written in Go so I could have gone with xingo, and I do love a pun, but it turns out that Xingo is a character from Ben 10.
Initially I wanted to download RDS logs and the way to do this is supposed to be
$ aws rds download-db-log-file-portion --db-instance-identifier <db ID> --log-file-name <filename> --output text --starting-token 0 > /tmp/psql.log
...but this didn't work. It would have bits of file missing. The reliable way seems to be using the downloadCompleteLogFile API endpoint. This tool does that.
None - it reads your AWS configuration from your environment and your home directory, just like the aws
tool does.
$ xingu rds logs
Interact with RDS logs
xingu rds logs [command]
Available Commands:
download Download an RDS log file
list List RDS logs
list List RDS logs
-h, --help help for logs
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.xingu.yaml)
Use "xingu rds logs [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ xingu rds logs list -d <database ID>
$ xingu rds logs download -d <database ID> -f <filename>
xingu rds logs download -d <database ID> --days 2
xingu ec2 list
# or just one
xingu ec2 list -n <name filter>
# is equivalent to
xingu ec2 list --filters "tag:Name=<name filter>"
Takes the same filters as list...
xingu ec2 ssh # the first one in the list
# you probably want to be more specific
xingu ec2 ssh -n <name filter>
- Download files if missing or smaller than on server
- Gzip files before writing to disk