Unofficial synology plugins repository.
This project is marked as archived. Use an alternative in the form of SynoX Web and Synology SynoX Web Plugins
- DSM 5.1
- Bananan (Translate song text into Russian Language to
- LyricWiki (Song full-text search to
- Fast-Torrent (Search torrent files to
- Kinozal (Search torrent files to
- NoNaMe-Club (Search torrent files to
- Pornolab (Search torrent files to
- Rutor (Search torrent files to
- Rutracker (Search torrent files to
- The Pirate Bay (Search torrent files to
- YouTube (Search broadcast to
- Kinozal (Download torrent files to
- NoNaMe-Club (Download torrent files to
- Pornolab (Download torrent files to
- Rutracker (Download torrent files to
- Build modules to get tar.gz files
- Login to you Synology with admin privileges
- Open Download Station or Audio Station package
- Go to Settings area
- Go to File Search for Do, found on left hand side
- Click add and locate required ~/synox/builds/*.dlm file
- Once done click edit and add your account details
- Go to File Hosting for Do, found on left hand side
- Click add and locate required ~/synox/builds/*.host file
- Once done click edit and add your account details
- Go to Plugins Text for Do, found on top hand side
- Click add and locate ~/synox/builds/*.aum
- Move plugins in the list to change their priority use
cd ~ && git clone synox && cd synox
make && ls builds -lX
# rebuild
make clean && make && ls builds -lX
or use tar gz command in directory src.
cd ~ && git clone synox && cd synox
php syno.php bt "module name" "search query" ["username"] [:"password"]
# example
php syno.php bt rutracker "Silent Hill" "test" "123pwd"
cd ~ && git clone synox
cd synox
php syno.php ht "module name" "url torrent file" ["username"] [:"password"]
# example
php syno.php ht rutracker "" "test" "123pwd"
cd ~ && git clone synox
cd synox
php syno.php au "module name" "artist song" "title song"
# example
php syno.php au lyricwiki "30 Seconds To Mars" "93 Million Miles"
- Enable debug mode (use [opt:])
- Read log file /tmp/(ht-,bt-)module-name.log
- Use a special search request [opt:]query for advanced search
- Use as needed option in the account name [opt:]username for advanced mode
- Use sort on domain name after searching
- h-host (module name for single search, use only search toolbar)
- p-page (max page search)
- d-1 (use debug mode)
- [opt:h-rutracker]In Time (for only search)
- [opt:p-2,h-rutracker]In Time (for search only host and max search page)
- [opt:d-1,h-rutracker]In Time (for enable debug mode)
- [opt:p-2]In Time (max search page)
- Initialize repository version 1.0
Synox is licensed under the MIT License.