This repository contains experiment to build Containers suitable for the development of applications inside the container.
- Offer all CLI commands of a standard Debian distribution suitable for development and hacking.
- Suitable as a dev container for VS Code via Remote SSH.
- Runnable as a non-root Pod in Kubernetes.
- The container will simply run an OpenSSH server upon startup, compatible with RSA, DSA, ECDSA, and ED25519.
- Upon startup the container reads the AUTHORIZED_KEYS environment variable to configure OpenSSH.
- The private keys of OpenSSH are generated upon Container startup so that each user of the Container have different keys and prevent MITM attacks.
sudo docker build . -t debackerl/node-dev-env:14.17.0
sudo docker run --rm -it debackerl/node-dev-env:14.17.0
sudo docker push debackerl/node-dev-env:14.17.0
kubectl apply -f k8s-manifests/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s-manifests/node-dev-pod.yaml
kubectl -n laurent port-forward pod/node-dev-pod 2222:2222
ssh-keygen -f "/home/laurent/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "[localhost]:2222"
ssh -p 2222 developer@localhost
Now, we could successfully open a Terminal to our remote container via SSH. Let's connect via VS Code now:
Open VS Code
Enter command: "Remote-SSH: Connect to Host..."
"Add new SSH Host..."
Enter "ssh -p 2222 developer@localhost -A"
Now, enter again "Remote-SSH: Connect to Host..."
Choose your new host: "localhost"
In VS Code's Explorer, click "Open Folder"
Open new terminal and type:
npm install -g express-generator
express myExpressApp --view pug
cd myExpressApp
npm install
Enter command in VS Code: "Forward a Port", enter port '3000'
Press F5, and choose Node.js environment
Manual build of the container:
sudo docker build . -t XXX/node-dev-env:14.17.0
sudo docker push XXX/node-dev-env:14.17.0
kubectl apply -f k8s-manifests/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s-manifests/dotnet-dev-pod.yaml
kubectl -n laurent port-forward pod/dotnet-dev-pod 2222:2222
ssh-keygen -f "/home/laurent/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "[localhost]:2222"
ssh -p 2222 developer@localhost
Open VS Code
Enter command: "Remote-SSH: Connect to Host..."
"Add new SSH Host..."
Enter "ssh -p 2222 developer@localhost -A"
Now, enter again "Remote-SSH: Connect to Host..."
Choose your new host: "localhost"
Open new terminal and type:
dotnet new webapi -o SampleApi
cd SampleApi
In VS Code's Explorer, click "Open Folder"
In VS Code's extension manager, search for
Choose "Install in SSH"
Open the "Run and Debug" side panel, and click "Start Debugging"
Opening your browser to https://localhost:5001/WeatherForecast