Based on the Dwarves-in-Space setting from the Runestar micro-RPG (pdf, rpggeek), this game is meant to tell the tale of the origins of the space-faring society through a dungeon-delving Rougelike.
This game began as a 7DRL game, starting from the rote-js "Pedro" demo, and included many modifications to the rote-js libraries along the way.
- Play the most recent version on GitHub:
- Play the "official 7DRL released" version on
- Play the original "demo" version on GitHub (rote repo)
- Look through the many other 7DRL 2019 games
- See 7DRL Features
Unlikely to get to these during 7DRL, but they would be great:
- Character sheet
- Magic points
- Spells
- Scrolls
- Mining ability and pickax
- Animations for actions
- Multiple classes at the start: Legionnaire, Etcher, Sunstorm, Metallurgeon, Pirate, Navigator
- Skills
- Other things from the rote readme list
- Fix pushing past; allow pushes based on relative size and relative authority if in the same faction
- Wound effects for when out of HP
- Ranged weaponry
- Higher miss chance attacking diagnol?
- To-Hit, Crit, Dodge, Soak percentages
- Different level map generation for more uniqueness
- Tutorital / practice area of starting level
- Wall decoration (weird characters replacing "#" for some walls)
- "clearing" property for finding open spaces when placing props, items
- Fragility for the sunstone, damaged when dropped, when broken, spawn fire
- Bottle - Healing potion container
- Refill bottle at alembic
- Weights for item and prop generation
- New items for each level (even if they don't do anything yet)
- Escape ship - fixed map element added onto level 9 or 10
- Make machinery not passable but destructable
- Spreading fire/explosion (⍦⛆⋀∭※) once the end-game is triggered
- NPC that acts as your quest-giver
- NPCs on various levels that give story/lore info
- Books and notes that give story/lore info
- Display inventory on right
- Allow for multi-key commands (e.g. (t)hrow -> number for selection)
- Win / End of game screen
- Death screen
- Menu button and options, including links
- When player dies, the sunstone is dropped and they can play a new character to pick it up
- Use sunstone to heal HP at cost of energy, decreasing it's brightness