- Jaipur, India
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/7rohitverma/
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Pneumonia-Diagnosis-using-XRays-96-percent-Recall PublicBEST SCORE ON KAGGLE SO FAR , EVEN BETTER THAN THE KAGGLE TEAM MEMBER WHO DID BEST SO FAR. The project is about diagnosing pneumonia from XRay images of lungs of a person using self laid convolutio…
One-Stop-for-COVID-19-Infection-and-Lung-Segmentation-plus-Classification Public✋🏼🛑 This one stop project is a complete COVID-19 detection package comprising of 3 tasks: • Task 1 --> COVID-19 Classification • Task 2 --> COVID-19 Infection Segmentation • Task 3 --> Lung Segment…
Human-Activity-Recognition-with-Neural-Network-using-Gyroscopic-and-Accelerometer-variables PublicThe VALIDATION ACCURACY is BEST on KAGGLE. Artificial Neural Network with a validation accuracy of 97.98 % and a precision of 95% was achieved from the data to learn (as a cellphone attached on the…
New-York-Stock-Exchange-Predictions-RNN-LSTM PublicBEST SCORE ON KAGGLE SO FAR. Mean Square Error after repeated tuning 0.00032. Used stacked GRU + LSTM layers with optimized architecture, learning rate and batch size for best model performance. Th…
Agricultural-Price-Prediction-and-Visualization-on-Android-App PublicIn Agriculture Price Monitioring , I have used data provided by open government site data.gov.in, which updates prices of market daily . Working Interface Details: We have provided user choice to s…
Mercedes-Benz-Challenge-78th-Place-Solution-Private-LB-0.55282-Top-2-Percent- PublicI have used various methods and techniques to reach this place on the private leaderboard. Actually, most of it is an art. Considerable feature engineering, transformations, redundancy, duplicate f…
Jupyter Notebook 8
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