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@gunterze gunterze released this 29 Apr 10:29
· 127 commits to master since this release


  • UI: STOW-RS Enable to upload JPEG's, Videos, PDF on other levels than Study and MWL #2171
  • Enable to configure different proxy port for Wildfly Aministration Console for navigation from Archive Web UI #4185
  • UI: Navigation Study: Replace checkbox by dropdown to filter for Studies containing Series of any or all of specified Modalities #4256
  • UI Navigation: support upload of JPEG 2000 Part 15 (HTJ2K) and JPEG 2000 Part 1 images #4307
  • Storage Verification of matching entities REST services : Remove duplicate logging of request #4327
  • UI Navigation Studies / Series : Show error message sent inside error key of response payload #4328
  • UI Navigation Studies / Series : Unify export matching dialogs #4330
  • Support PID.15 - Patient's Primary Language in incoming / outgoing HL7 messages #4331
  • Assign Service Account Role ${SUPER_USER_ROLE} to Client ${RS_CLIENT_ID} by initial Keycloak configuration #4333
  • Schedule IAN of matching studies / series to external IAN SCP RS services : Persist study / series instance UIDs in IAN task #4334
  • Support Attribute Coercion to merge date-time attributes with date-time values a specified period of time before the present #4339
  • Change default for Filter by Issuer of Patient ID even if no matching key is specified for Patient ID from false to true #4341
  • Replace Archive Device configuration attribute "Trusted Issuer of Patient ID Pattern" by "Trusted Patient ID Pattern(s)" #4344
  • UI Navigation Studies / Series - Mark (all series of) study / series as Requested or Unscheduled : Return UIDs of updated entities in displayed message #4348
  • Update Request Attributes of (all Series of Study / Series) RS : Schedule metadata update for series / study #4349
  • UI Navigation Studies - Recreate DB record : Extend widget to include readPixelData query filter #4351
  • UI Navigation Workitems : Enable to download UPS Workitems as CSV #4354
  • UPS RS services : Validate query filter upsScheduledTime to be a valid value of ParseDateTime class #4359
  • UPS services : Search for subscribers and create UP Events only for non-template UPS records #4362
  • UI Navigation -> UWL : Enable to request cancel of individual UPS Workitems optionally with Request UPS Cancel - Action Information #4363
  • UI Navigation Patients : Enable to update demographics of a patient using a PDQ Service #4366
  • Update patient demographics by HL7 PDQ Service : Adjust other patient IDs in patient attributes based on HL7 Other Patient IDs configuration #4367
  • Update patient demographics - adjust issuer of patient : Improve ambiguous log info message indicating also change of patient identifiers #4369
  • Web Service Class PROMETHEUS #4372
  • Improve log message on failure to store objects to destination not supporting certain SOP Classes #4373
  • UI Navigation - UPS : Make field Procedure Step State = SCHEDULED as read only on Create new UPS Workitem #4377
  • Patient Demographics Query (PDQ) Service audit : Include exceptions caught on querying PDQ services to be audited with Outcome Indicator as Minor Failures (= 4) #4384
  • UI Monitoring - Storage Verification / Compare : Enable Cancel task only for SCHEDULED / SCHEDULED_FOR_RETRY / IN_PROCESS tasks #4385
  • UI Monitoring - Queues / Export / Retrieve : Enable Cancel task also for SCHEDULED_FOR_RETRY tasks #4386
  • Queued Export of single study / series : Persist corresponding series_iuid / sop_iuid in task table as * instead of null #4388
  • Archive Docker Image: Adjust configured Hibernate log category for writing values bound to the JDBC parameters to org.hibernate.orm.jdbc.bind #4391
  • WADO-RS retrieve Bulkdata: include parameter "transfer-syntax" also for Default Transfer Syntax of Compressed Bulkdata Media Types in "Content-Type" header field in response #4399
  • Replace null by "*" for field externalRetrieveAET of entity Instance and Series and change corresponding Nullable column ext_retrieve_aet to NOT NULL #4402
  • Minimize affected rows by SQL update statements for updating single columns with an enumerated set of values #4404
  • UI: Make possible to use keycloak attribute to save the preferred language for the user #4416
  • Enable realm-management - manage-users role by default to admin / user users #4417
  • UI Monitoring - Upload CSV : Add validation to ensure minimum value of Study / Series UID Fields is 1 #4419
  • Update DB SQL scripts for 5.32.0 for databases other than postgres #4422
  • LDAP docker image: Set connectTimeout and readTimeout for outgoing HTTP requests for HTTP connections initated by scripts add-http(s)-conn #4427
  • Search {entity} RS services : Return Vary response header if 406 - Not Acceptable is thrown #4428
  • UPS RS (POST / PUT) services : Replace 406 - Not Acceptable with 415 - Unsupported Media Type if clients send invalid Content-type request header #4429
  • Provide Keycloak Docker images based on azul/zulu-openjdk and azul/prime alternatively to images based on eclipse-temurin #4431
  • Remove admin / user as default Accepted User Role(s) from archive's default Application Entities #4433
  • UI Monitoring - Storage Verification : Improve tab #4434
  • Support Military Rank / Confidentiality Code in HL7 order messages #4437
  • Extend default Study attribute filter config to include Reason For Performed Procedure Code Sequence (0040,1012) #4438
  • Log outgoing HL7 Messages on filesystem #4440
  • Studies with orphaned instances (= no location records) can't be deleted from archive #4441
  • Extend HL7 Procedure Status Update notifications to notify using OMI HL7 messages #4445
  • Simplify Study Retention Policy sample configurations #4448
  • Improve and normalize Rule Priority descriptions in applicable language schema json file #4450
  • Archive Docker Image: Make mutual TLS authentication for HTTPS configurable by environment variable NEED_CLIENT_AUTH #4457
  • Store Service : Improve error message returned for A777H error code #4459
  • Optimize permanent deletion of Studies with objects not shared copied/moved from/to other Studies #4460
  • MWL-RS Create / Update MWL : Use MWL Worklist Label config on archive AE as fall back, if Worklist Label (0074,1202) is missing or has no value in request payload - before falling back to * #4461
  • Reject concurrent requests to permanently delete a study #4462
  • Prevent storage of objects of Study which deletion is in progress #4463
  • Consider configured Access Control ID(s) for particular Archive Network AE by RESTful Service to search for patients #4466
  • Share Transfer Capabilities from other Network AE of the same Archive Device #4470
  • Enable to configure URL of Wildfly Aministration Console for navigation from Archive Web UI #4473
  • keycloak docker image: Add Environment Variable WILDFLY_CONSOLE_REDIRECT_URL to configure Valid Redirect URI pattern for Keycloak client for securing the Wildfly Management Console #4474
  • Send Imaging Result [RAD-128] / Notify of Imaging Results [RAD-132] : Enable support for OBR.33 and OBR.34 #4476
  • keycloak docker image: adjust files in /opt/keycloak/lib/quarkus/ from /docker-entrypoint.d/quarkus/ on first start of container with different keycloak version #4477
  • Improve Purge(d) Instance Records description #4479
  • logstash-dcm4chee docker : Provide JSON properties for participant object details of QIDO / CFind queries' audits #4481
  • Rename ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode for Query audits triggered by REST #4482

Bug Fixes

  • UI monitoring page : Only Associations / Compare / Storage Systems tabs load up, other tabs fail to load #4205
  • QIDO-RS Study Query : Updated series level Modality values not reflected in study level ModalitiesInStudy tag #4320
  • Schedule Storage Commitment of matching Studies from external Storage Commitment SCP REST service : Misleading Log INFO message about Suppress processing of already deleted Task after task creation and before its subsequent processing #4326
  • UI Navigation Series tab : Incorrect filters Patient Verification Status / All of Modalities in Study displayed in popups of Export / Reject matching series #4329
  • UI Navigation Series - Apply Retention Policy to matching series : Rectify message displayed to user #4336
  • Archive version 5.30.0 : Rectify error on importing update-ui-config.ldif #4337
  • Other Patient IDs of existing Patient does not get supplemented with additional Patient IDs in received DICOM object or HL7 message #4342
  • Update Request attributes of Study / Series RS : Mark study / Series as Unscheduled adds empty Request Attributes Sequence (0040,0275) to the attributes dataset #4350
  • Re-import Study RS : Duplicate location record created with status ORPHANED on re-importing a study #4353
  • Attempt to export study which objects are no longer locally accessible fails with uninformative java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException #4357
  • UI Navigation Patients : Edit Patient incorrectly allows redundant editing of Dcm4chee archive specific proprietary attributes Patient Create Date Time & Patient Update Date Time #4358
  • Update UPS - UPS Assigned event does not contain ScheduledStationNameCodeSequence on updating both ScheduledHumanPerformersSequence and ScheduledStationNameCodeSequence #4364
  • Update UPS : UPS Assigned events conditionally contain ScheduledStationNameCodeSequence / ScheduledHumanPerformersSequence only if these are explicitly updated by the client #4365
  • Patient verification scheduler triggered update patient demographics fails to update status to NOT FOUND for patient records not found at Patient Demographics Supplier #4368
  • Patient verification scheduler triggered update patient demographics - adjust issuer of patient : Invokes changePatientID service for identical patient identifiers #4370
  • Update patient demographics - adjust issuer of patient : Patient verification status remains in IN_PROCESS and verification time is not set to current time if patient identifiers are adjusted #4371
  • Delete Study Permanently RS with retainObjects=true fails #4374
  • Search UPS RS does not return SOP Instance UID of UPS Workitem in Retrieve URL #4376
  • Spooling incoming HL7 messages for audits fails #4378
  • Spooling patient demographics query against FHIR PDQ Service for audit fails #4379
  • Logged PDQService Context for patient demographics queries against FHIR PDQService does not include FHIR web application #4380
  • Spooling patient demographics query against PDQ Service for audit fails if patient was not found #4382
  • HL7v2 Patient Demographics Query (PDQ) Service audit issues #4383
  • Download export tasks as CSV fail for task records where exports were done on study level #4387
  • UI Monitoring - Export / Retrieve : Download tasks as CSV ineffective #4389
  • UI Data Exchange - Export / Retrieve : Incorrect message displayed on delete all matching tasks #4390
  • UI Monitoring - Export : Scheduled For Retry tasks are not accounted for in batched view tasks details #4395
  • UI Monitoring - Export : Invalid table headers for batched view of tasks #4396
  • UI Monitoring - Export : Task actions on single entry does not invoke REST services if Exporter configuration is missing #4397
  • UI Monitoring - Export : Task actions on selected entries ineffective #4398
  • UI Monitoring : Hover on single / selected / batched function icons does not work #4400
  • UI Navigation - Studies : Export selections invokes export selected entity REST service twice #4401
  • UI Monitoring - Export : Count of deleted tasks of export batch not shown in displayed message #4403
  • UI Monitoring - Retrieve : Task counts for remaining not handled correctly / handling missing for warning #4407
  • Expired studies are not rejected by scheduler after they have been (exported) set to EXPORT_SCHEDULED #4408
  • Creation of UPS Tasks on receive of HL7 ORU messages fails if UPSOnStore rule is configured #4409
  • Creation of UPS Tasks on rejection of expired studies by scheduler fails if UPSOnStore rule is configured #4410
  • Firing of UPS events missing for UPS tasks updated using UPSOnStore rules #4411
  • Delete Patient REST service : 204 - No Content response sent even if some exception is caught on deletion of patient #4412
  • Import Instances on Storage: calculated digest value is wrong #4418
  • UI Monitoring - Export / Retrieve - Upload CSV : Handling for Warning response header missing #4420
  • UI: fixing unit tests, adding missing changes from pro #4435
  • UI: Wildfly Console Button is ignoring the https port #4442
  • Concurrent requests to permanently delete study throws OptimisticLockException #4443
  • Concurrent requests to permanently delete (IOCM_EXPIRED) rejected study fails with EntityNotFoundException #4444
  • UI - Range picker widget : Last Year in Fast Picker selects incorrect begin date #4446
  • UI Navigation - Studies / Series : Update matching studies / series popups - Field display distorted for update of a single attribute only #4447
  • Store service : Patient's number of studies not incremented on restoring instances of study if previous instances are found #4449
  • WADO-RS: Retrieve of bulkdata by URL referenced in retrieved metadata may cause OutOfMemory error #4452
  • Outgoing HL7 message Audit : NullPointerException thrown if outgoing notification is OMG / OMI message with HL7 Procedure Status Update PID PV1 = false #4465
  • HL7 PSU Template Params of archive AE incorrectly used in creation of outgoing HL7 PSU message #4467
  • HL7 Procedure Status Update notifications by Dcm2HL7Exporter : PID / PV1 segments not populated, HL7 PSU template params not used #4468
  • Using UI date selection widgets populates field with wrong date (one day prior) #4469
  • UI: Configuration - Some drop - downs have a yellow check mark and are bigger as the others #4472
  • HL7 Order Scheduled Stations configured on archive HL7 application extension level not considered for adjusting scheduled station AETs on receive of HL7 order messages #4475
  • HL7 ORU to DICOM SR / PDF : Verifying Observer Name incorrectly transformed dependent on presence of OBR.32.1.1 #4480
  • Target URL incorrectly formatted for Create Patient RESTful Forward #4484


  • Upgrade OAuth2 Proxy docker image to v7.5.1 #4340
  • ldap docker image: upgrade alpine to 3.19.0 and openldap to 2.6.6 #4345
  • Keycloak docker image: Upgrade to Keycloak.X 24.0.3 #4360
  • Upgrade Keycloak Admin Client in archive docker image to 24.0.3 #4361
  • Upgrade Wildfly to 31.0.1.Final #4392
  • Upgrade Postgres DB docker image to 16.2 #4405
  • ldap docker image: upgrade alpine to 3.19.1 #4406
  • Upgrade included JDBC Drivers #4455
  • Upgrade commons-compress-1.25.0.jar to commons-compress-1.26.1.jar #4456
  • Upgrade logstash in docker image to 8.13.0 #4483


  • Swagger : Rectify incorrectly displayed / missing dynamic values used in query parameters of REST services #4423
  • Improve Purge(d) Instance Records description #4479

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