alexa-app-kegbot is an alexa-app module for communication with your Kegbot. Currently is supports the following:
- What's on tap?
- How much is left?
For a more corporate friendly setup, maybe the Lambda version is better: alexa-lambda-kegbot
- node - NodeJS
- request - NodeJS package
- alexa-app - NodeJS package
- alexa-app-server - NodeJS package used to host the app
- AWS Developer account from to create skill
- Setup a new custom Alexa Skill on
- Login
- In the ALEXA tab, choose Alexa Skills Kit
- Add a New Skill 1. Skill Information 1. Skill Type as Custom Interaction Model 1. Name - Give it a name 1. Invocation Name - Give it an Invocation Name. For "Alexa, Ask Kegbot..." use Kegbot. 1. Next
- Note ID at the top of the page
- We'll come back to this later
- Install alexa-app-server
npm install alexa-app alexa-app-server request
cp -R ~/node_modules/alexa-app-server/examples/ ~/node_modules/alexa-app-server/api/
rm -rf ~/node_modules/alexa-app-server/api/apps/*
cd ~/node_modules/alexa-app-server/api/apps/
- Clone Repo:
git clone
cd alexa-app-kegbot
npm install javascript-time-ago
cp config_example.js config.js
vi config.js
1. Set your Kegbot configuration. Protocol, host, port, API key (if required) 1. Set your Alexa App ID which you noted in step 1.iv.- Configure alexa-app-server
cd ~/node_modules/alexa-app-server/api
vi server.js
1. Configure the SSL port to listen on. Insert this line before the 'port:' line.httpsEnabled : true, httpsPort : 8443, privateKey:'private-key.pem', certificate:'certificate.pem',
- Generate the SSL cert by following the directions on
mkdir sslcert sslcert
1.openssl genrsa -out private-key.pem 2048 configuration.cnf
only change the options in the req_distinguished_name and subject_alternate_names stanzas to match your external DNS name (see example file from amazon documentation) 1.openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key private-key.pem -config configuration.cnf -out certificate.pem
- Start alexa-app-server
cd ~/node_modules/alexa-app-server/api
1.node server.js
- Allow inbound connections on your router to the https port you configured in server.js
- Test the connection by going to https://<your_external_dns_name>:<https_port>/alexa/kegbot/ 1. You should get a page that says "This is a simple testing utility to POST to your endpoint and simulate an Alexa request" at the top and have a few text boxes on it. 1. Leave this tab open. You'll need it to configure the Alexa Skill.
- Go back to Alexa Skill setup on
- Interation Model 1. Paste the Schema textbox content from the other tab into Intent Schema 1. Click Add Slot Type. Enter Type: UNITS_TYPE and paste the contents of units_type.txt into the Enter Values box. 1. Paste the contents of sample_utterances.txt into Sample Utterances. This a workaround for this issue. 1. Next
- Configuration 1. Choose HTTPS 1. Choose 'North America' 1. Use the URL you went to in the other tab. https://<your_external_dns_name>:<https_port>/alexa/kegbot/ 1. Next
- SSL Certificate 1. Choose "I will upload a self-signed certificate in X.509 format." 1. Paste the contents of ~/node_modules/alexa-app-server/api/sslcert/certificate.pem 1. Save
- Test 1. Try it with a sample utterance by typing "whats on tap" into the "Enter Utterance" textbox and click Ask!
- Try talking to Alexa
If you are having issues along the install path, you might find it useful to follow some better documentation than I can write. I started this project after stumbling through hooking my Alexa up to my OpenHAB Home Automation system using Alexa-HA written by unityfire. There is much better documentation about getting alexa-app-server up and running in the documentation for Alexa-HA.