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This is a Windows program demonstrating xor encryption.
It should be easy to port to other OSs, as there's not much if anything Windows-specific.
(I however did not try to cross-compile it)
Binary file is in Releases
XOR-encrypt[base16-encode|decode] stdin. Dmitry Unltd. ⌐2006
xor 'password' or [base16encode|base16decode]
-if password is one of these: base16encode|base16decode the program encodes/decodes instead of xor
-Data to be encrypted/decrypted/encoded/decoded is read from stdin and written to stdout
-Diagnostic messages are written to stderr, redirect 2>/dev/null (Unix) or 2>NUL (Windows) if you don't want them
-Binary files no problem. Key also could be binary, but then can't pass it as an arg
xor password <test.original > test.encrypted
xor password <test.encrypted> test.decrypted
check(should be no diff):
diff test.original test.decrypted
interactive use-type or paste your text,terminate by 'Enter' and ^Z:
xor password > test.encrypted
encrypt|base16encode|base16decode|decrypt->get original text:
echo foo|xor pwd|xor base16encode|xor base16decode|xor pwd
xor foobarfoobar < xor.pch |xor base16encode|xor base16decode|xor foobarfoobar >xor.pch.fullcircle && echo. && sum xor.pch xor.pch.fullcircle
XOR-encryption is very simple and quite strong. Search Google for more on XOR encryption.
The encryption algorithm runs through each letter of the unencrypted phrase and XOR's it
with one letter of the key. For example, if the unencrypted phrase was
STARS, and the key was ABC, the encryption algorithm would go something like
this: (S XOR A)(T XOR B)(A XOR C)(R XOR A)(S XOR B). XOR only works with two
single letters at a time, which is why the algorithm needs to split both the
phrase and the key letter by letter. Because of the nature of the algorithm,
the length of the encrypted phrase is the same length as the unencrypted
phrase.The beauty of XOR encryption comes in its decryption. The algorithm
for encryption is the SAME as the one for decryption. For decryption, the
key is XOR'ed against the encrypted phrase, and the result is the decrypted