Summarize basecalling data from the sequencing_summary.txt file produced by albacore.
Change headers in fasta files to fit with kraken-build. Use NCBI-genome-download to download the genomes and use the assembly summary file from refseq to change to correct headers.
Extract sequences that map to a specific taxonomic id.
usage: [-h] --forward FORWARD [--reverse REVERSE]
--tax_id TAX_ID --kraken KRAKEN [--names NAMES]
[--nodes NODES] [--descendents] [--merge]
[--output OUTPUT]
Using --descendents
will also extract all sequences within in this clade.
This requires the path to the names.dmp and nodes.dmp file used to build the
kraken database. The --merge
command will write all sequences to one fastq-file.
To extract unclassified reads, use --tax_id 0
- seqtk
- pandas
- ncbiTaxonomyTree
Script to run pilon iteratively.
Run albacore basecalling when a new directory with reads is created.