- Install perl
- Download Consciousnet source code:
git clone https://github.com/davidepatti/consciousnet
- Edit Data_example.pm, putting your cx and api_key obtained at:
- rename Data_example.pm to Data.pm
- Install Eliza using cpan:
sudo cpan install Chatbot::Eliza
- Now, copy the modified Eliza.pm provided with consciousnet in order to replace the original file provided by the Eliza cpan module. For example, in macosx you could try:
sudo cp Eliza.pm /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/PERL_VERSION/Chatbot
sudo cp Eliza.pm /Library/Perl/PERL_VERSION/Chatbot
or (Ubuntu Linux)
sudo cp Eliza.pm /usr/local/share/perl/PERL_VERSION/Chatbot/Eliza.pm
Of course, change this last command according to your cpan installation directory.
Some dependences maybe also required:
sudo cpan install WWW:Google::CustomSearch
Also, in order to properly include Data.pm in your perl modules path, copy it into one of the paths displayed in the command:
perl -e 'print "@INC";'
or, alternatevely, if you not have permissions, just add this line at the beginning of entity.pl:
use lib "PUT_HERE_PATH_WHERE_Data.pm_IS";
Now, you are ready to go:
perl entity.pl