Datagrid for Symfony2 inspired by Zfdatagrid and Magento Grid.
This bundle was initiated by Stanislav Turza (Sorien).
Version: 2.1-dev
Compatibility: Symfony >= 2.0.0, Twig >= 1.5.0
- Supports Entity (ORM), Document (ODM) and Vector (Array) sources
- Sortable and Filterable with operators (Comparison operators, range, starts/ends with, (not) contains, is (not) defined, regex)
- Auto-typing columns (Text, Number, Boolean, Array, DateTime, Date, ...)
- Locale support for DateTime, Date and Number columns (Decimal, Currency, Percent, Duration, Scientific, Spell out)
- Input and Select filters filled with the data of the grid or an array of values
- Export (CSV, Excel, PDF, XML, JSON, HTML, ...)
- Mass actions
- Row actions
- Supports mapped fields with Entity source
- Annotations and PHP configuration
- External filters box
- Ajax loading
- Pagination (You can also use Pagerfanta)
- Column width and column align
- Prefix tranlated titles
- Grid manager for multi-grid on the same page
- Groups configuration for ORM and ODM sources
- Easy templates overriding (twig)
- Custom columns and filters creation
- ...
See the summary.
Full example with this CSS style file:
Simple example with the external filter box in english:
Same example in french:
Data used in these screenshots (this is a phpMyAdmin screenshot):
namespace MyProject\MyBundle\Controller;
use APY\DataGridBundle\Grid\Source\Entity;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function myGridAction()
// Creates a simple grid based on your entity (ORM)
$source = new Entity('MyProjectMyBundle:MyEntity');
// Get a Grid instance
$grid = $this->get('grid');
// Attach the source to the grid
// Return the response of the grid to the template
return $grid->getGridResponse('MyProjectMyBundle::myGrid.html.twig');
namespace MyProject\MyBundle\Entity
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use APY\DataGridBundle\Grid\Mapping as GRID;
* @GRID\Source(columns="id, my_datetime")
class MyEntity
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
protected $id;
* @ORM\Column(type="datetime")
protected $my_datetime;
<!-- MyProject\MyBundle\Resources\views\myGrid.html.twig -->
{{ grid(grid) }}
And clear your cache.
Abhoryo, golovanov, touchdesign, Spea, nurikabe, print, Gregory McLean, centove, lstrojny, Benedikt Wolters, Martin Parsiegla, evan and all bug reporters
See this Pull Request