Here you can see a couple of projects I've been working on in my free time. They are a little rough but they are working which is nice.
Project | Purpose |
Live Suggestions | To accept sugestions from my coworkers to improve our tools at Weebly. |
JediArchives | To create a better collection of documents that the employees at weebly can use to help the customers. Automating the process of gathering and displaying the information |
Purpose: To accept sugestions from my coworkers to improve our tools at Weebly.
- Suggestion Box. Accepts suggestions
- Viewing Pane. Allows users to vote on other suggestions and their own.
- Management Pane. Allows admins to reject or accept the suggestions. Notifies suggester via email if declined.
Purpose: To create a better collection of documents that the employees at weebly can use to help the customers. Automating the process of gathering and displaying the information.
- Search: Uses Angular NgRepeat and filters to search the data.
- Get: Retrieves the information from the appropriate API
- Retains state! You can share links from any article, bug, or macro and they will find the correct object using the power of UI-router
To run use
node server.js
When finished I hope it will more closely follow the style guide that I like to use.