Using Mathematics for Economists, I am modeling different companies cost, revenue, and profit functions.
Use this to build out bottoms-up models. It was something I always wanted to model when I was at the Utah Valley University Wolverine Fund. I also hope to have it connect to a dataroom and then pull the data in, restructure it, and then model it in real time.
For earlier stage companies, the real-time monitoring isn't viable, but if it could use this model somehow to divide the revenue of a public company from their filings on SEC, I think it could be a better way to forecast their revenues and estimate their cost expenditures.
For example, will the expenditures on AI affect the cost and the revenue of the company that purchased them? Then, how will this affect the company's revenue where they purchased the equipment?
steps to intall
edit the parameters
- make it more dynamic for different intake, larger product mixes, and so forth. include more firms.
- include exogenous parameters to build the market up and understand the supply.
- include returns to scale