If you don't know what NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) are, see the related Wikipedia article.
Data is sourced from the GISCO EU website.
We provide data as GeoJSON. Data is stored in the data
Datasets are available for NUTS levels 1, 2, and 3.
The columns are:
- NUTS_ID: String (5.0)
- STAT_LEVL_: Integer (9.0)
The specific administrative boundary data used in this project is provided at the 60M
scale with RG
units, and utilizes the EPSG:4326
coordinate reference system EPSG:4326.
This package includes scripts to automate data retrieval and processing.
First, install the dependencies:
# Install libraries
pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt
# Run script
python scripts/process.py
Up-to-date (auto-updates every year due to original data being updated infrequently) geo-nuts-administartive-boundaries dataset could be found on the datahub.io: https://datahub.io/core/geo-nuts-administartive-boundaries
This Data Package is licensed by its maintainers under the Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL).
Refer to the Copyright notice of the source dataset for any specific restrictions on using these data in a public or commercial product.