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Sync your fork with our repository (upstream)

Shawn Melton edited this page Nov 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Git clients such as GitHub Desktop, GitKraken, and even Visual Studio Code allow you to keep your forked repository of dabtools in sync with sqlcollaborative/dbatools repository by using a merge process in git. This commonly causes your commit history to include this message:

Merge branch 'development' of into development

Overtime you may have a ton of these commit messages that keep showing up in your fork. A way to prevent these is to do a bit of advanced git command line. You can use the following three commands to perform a "reset" with your fork to the upstream branch, and it prevents the need for merges to be done:

git fetch upstream
git reset --hard upstream/development
git push origin development --force

You can check the git man pages if you want to know more about what reset does.

I have created a simple function you can add to your PowerShell $PROFILE script to easily handle this task in one command if you would like.

function Reset-BranchToUpstream {
        Command to reset the branch to your upstream remote
        Assumes you remote is setup as origin is your fork, and "upstream" is the remote source. You can pass in a branch, and it assumes you have this branch checked out on your origin or local repository.
    .PARAMETER Branch
        The desired branch you want to sync
        Reset-BranchToUpstream -Branch development
        Reset my currently checked out branch to the upstream/development branch of my remote
    if (Test-Path '.git') {
        if ( (git remote -v | Select-String "upstream") ) {
            $cmd = "git fetch upstream"
            Invoke-Expression $cmd

            $cmd = "git reset --hard upstream/$branch"
            Invoke-Expression $cmd

            $cmd = "git push origin $branch --force"
            Invoke-Expression $cmd
        } else {
            Write-Output "No upstream remote found"
    } else {
        Write-Output "No git folder found"