This project is created in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, it is still in process!
Several tools are required:
- QNX SDP7.1
- cmake
- make
Activate QNX7.1 SDP
Run command "make all" to build the project, the executable and configure files will be found in the bin folder
Copy fluent-bit, fluent-bit.conf, fluent-bit-receiver.conf and sys.log into one folder in QNX
Run command "./fluent-bit -c ./fluent-bit.conf" to start a sender process
Run command "./fluent-bit -c ./fluent-bit-receiver.conf" to start a receiver process
Add log to the sys.log file by running "echo test_message >> sys.log"
You should see sender sendout the message and receiver receives it.
- Receiver crashes with memory check failure